  • 學位論文


A Study on the Petroleum Demand and Its Security in China (1978~2008)

指導教授 : 吳漢


隨著經濟發展,中國大陸對石油的需求日益增加,石油的供需矛盾也日益突出。1993成為石油淨進口國,2003年中國大陸成為世界第二大石油消費國之後,2008年5月首次超過日本,成為世界第二大原油進口國。中國大陸正面臨巨大的挑戰,巨大的石油需求使石油對外依存度逐步增加的狀況,造成中國大陸石油安全的威脅,對經濟亦造成極大的威脅。這樣的局勢對追求穩定發展的中國大陸將造成什麼影響,而中國大陸又如何化解其困境,亦受到國際的關注。 本研究是以國際政治經濟學的角度,對中國大陸內外的石油安全環境加以剖析,並分析出中國大陸石油安全戰略的方向。本研究共分六章,第一章為緒論。第二章分析全球市場以及中國大陸的石油供需狀況。第三章本章從理論來解釋國家安全與石油能源的關係。第四章分析中國大陸石油安全戰略佈局。第五章是針對中國大陸石油安全戰略佈局加以評估。第六章是結論。 本研究發現,中國大陸的石油安全戰略中,以石油儲備及“走出去”戰略,最為積極及最具成效,不僅關係中國大陸的石油安全亦牽動著中國大陸是否能穩定發展。但隨著中國大陸經濟實力的提升,石油外交做為經濟外交的一環,已不只是為解決經濟的困境,更逐步從戰術走向戰略,並為突顯大國形象的政策工具。


As China’s economy is booming, its demand for petroleum is increasingly expanding, and the supply-demand inconsistency starts to surface. Since 1993, China had been one of the net import countries for petroleum. After 2003 when China became the second largest oil consuming country, it first outpaced Japan in May, 2008, to become the second largest import country for crude oil. However, the constantly increasing dependence on foreign oil is now challenging China, threatening China’s oil security and economy. International attention is being attracted to how the situation will impact on China, which is currently questing for stable development and how China will overcome the difficulty. This study sets out from the angle of international political economics to examine China’s internal and external oil security environment and the direction of China’s oil security strategies. The study comprises six chapters: Chapter 1 is the overall introduction, Chapter 2 analyzes global markets and the supply-demand status of petroleum in China, Chapter 3 explains, based on theories, the relation between national security and oil energy in China, Chapter 4 analyzes China’s oil security strategic arrangements, Chapter 5 focuses on the evaluation of China’s oil security strategic arrangements, and Chapter 6 concludes the whole paper. The study shows that the tactics of “petroleum stockpile” and “exploration of outside of China” among China’s oil security strategies are the most initiative and effective. They are not only closely connected with China’s oil security but also with the stable development of China. As China’s economic strengths enhance, petroleum diplomacy as a part of economic diplomacy does not serve only to solve the economic hardships of China. Advancing from tactics to strategies, it also serves as a diplomatic tool to project the image of a superpower.


6. 朱蓓蕾。2003年。〈全球化與中共安全觀:轉變與挑戰〉。《中國大陸研究》,第6卷第46期,頁108。
34. 趙志淩。2001年。〈中國大陸之石油安全〉。《經濟前瞻》,第75期,頁69-73。
8. 中華經濟研究院,http://www.cier.edu.tw/


