  • 學位論文


The Action and Cooperation Between EU and ASEAN under the structure of ASEM-From the viewpoint of Neo-liberal Institutionalism (1996-2006)

指導教授 : 蔡政文


亞歐會議始於1996年的曼谷高峰會,而歐盟與東協的合作最早始於1970年,當時雙方的合作僅在貿易層次。當新加坡總理倡導亞歐會議的召開,由東協領先領導的亞歐會議由於中國的崛起、南韓的經濟起飛、日本在整個亞洲區域的技術領先,東南亞國協與整個東北亞地區也有密不可分的關係,尤其受到中國崛起的影響,亞歐會議中東協與歐盟的合作關係也受到歐盟-東北亞等國家的雙邊合作機制的牽制。 本論文以新自由制度主義的觀點切入分析亞歐會議中歐盟與東協的合作與行動,新自由制度主義主張國家間須透過不斷的溝通以增加資訊相互流通,進而對彼此的須求與想法更加了解,製定更適當政策與決策。 亞歐會議至今已有十年之久,近來正倡議是否須將非正式的會談提升至制度化的層級,雙方的合作於未來十年有可能突破停留在會談的現況,制度化的呼聲主要是由於目前亞歐會議的運作模式採層層推進的會談模式,耗費成本大並且討論主題重覆率高,若將以制度化則可節省不必要的成本損失並且會議所達成的議題將更具約束力。 歐盟與東協在亞歐會議架構下的合作與行動之過程中,由於社會結構的差異以及文化的距離造成雙方政治體制的不同,因此在各個議題都造成了雙方對彼此認知的差距,例如:人權問題,民主發展問題等等。亞歐會議的議題不僅於經貿議題,更廣於政治與社會發展及文化,因此歐盟與東協的互動關係也由最原始的經貿關係提升至政治層面的溝通與了解;更由於美國在亞太地區的主導因素,東協極欲與歐盟合作,擺脫美國的主導進而獨立運作東協事務;歐盟也欲以此合作來彌補長期失聯的亞歐關係。


亞歐會議 歐盟 東協


ASEM, initiated from the Bankok summit meeting in 1996, however the cooperation between EU and ASEAN can be traced to 1970,and at that time, their cooperation was only limited in the trade level. While the Singapore minister initiated the opening of ASEM, result from the rise of China, the economic recover of South Korea, and the leading position of technology of Japan in the Asian Area, ASEAN is closely related to North-east Asia, especially with the impact of the rise of China, the cooperation between EU and ASEAN is also limited from the mutual cooperation between EU and North-east nations. This thesis is from the viewpoint of neo-liberal institutionalism for analyzing the cooperation and action between the EU and ASEAN. The school of neo-liberal institutionalism, argued that between nations, it’s necessary continuing to communicate with each other for the accumulation of interchanging information, further to understand more deeply the needs and thinking, for making the policy and the decision meet the case. ASEM has been 10 years, recently it is initiating that if it’s necessary to advance the informal meeting to be institutionalized, the mutual cooperation will perhaps be surmounted to institutionalization in the future ten years. For avoiding the cost waste, making ASEM institutionalized can economize the cost and can make the issues more Forceful to constraint.- In the processes of the action and cooperation between EU and ASEAN under the structure of ASEM, there exist differences of social structure and culture, which lead to the mutual conscience of divergence on the issues, for example, the divergence of human right and the development of democracy. ASEM issues not only issued in economic and trade, but also in politics, social development and culture. Hence the cooperation between EU and ASEAN also surmount to politic level from the initial level of trade and economic. And also with the factor of the leading position of USA, ASEAN would like to take advantage of the cooperation with EU to free himself from it, and in the stand of EU, can be repair the long Eurasian “missing link”.




