  • 學位論文


An Action Research Study of Science Games in Early Childhood Education

指導教授 : 陳劍涵


本研究旨在透過行動研究的歷程,設計一套科學遊戲並實施於幼兒園主題課程,並結合校園的地理優勢及幼兒的生活經驗,讓研究者從幼兒園的現場出發,並探討課程設計與實施及幼兒在建構的歷程上所遭遇的困難及解決方式。本研究場域為研究者所服務的丁丁附幼,研究對象為3-5歲混齡幼兒,共29人。過程中採用觀察、訪談、文件蒐集等方式蒐集資料。 本研究以行動研究為主要研究方法,首先,設計出「有趣的風」主題網及教案,並藉由實際教學發現幼兒的學習困難,藉以修改下一次的課程,並依據上述目的和方法,本研究獲致以下之研究結論與相關建議: 1.近距離的接觸「風」,引起幼兒的學習動機:本校位於鄰近校區海拔最高的學校,「風」常常以不同的面貌來到我們校園,於是決定以「有趣的風」為主題,並讓幼兒利用五官體驗風的存在,透過近距離的接觸,引起幼兒的學習動機。因此,建議現場教師蒐集幼兒的舊經驗,來設計科學遊戲課程。 2.因為幼兒對「風的味道」不清楚進而更改課程內容:透過第一階段「風的特性」,幼兒對於「風的味道」還不清楚,於是決定在第二階段進行「風的味道」,透嗅覺瓶讓幼兒從遊戲中習得風是無味的。所以,研究者建議現場教師實施科學遊戲時,課程應為彈性可調整,避免幼兒對概念尚未釐清就進行下個活動。 3.教師適時的引導讓幼兒說出觀察之現象:研究過程中,幼兒常以自己的舊經驗來回答問題,卻無法說出自己所觀察到的現象,期間教師也不斷的反思,要如何引導才能讓孩子不只是記誦。研究者認為現場教師應隨時觀察紀錄,並藉由觀察發現幼兒的需求,再給予學習鷹架,確保幼兒對課程為理解而非記誦。


科學遊戲 幼兒 主題課程 混齡 行動研究


This research study aims to design a set of science games to be implemented in the theme curriculum in a kindergarten through action research. The researcher investigates course design and implementation as well as difficulties and solutions in this field-based study. The setting is Ding-Ding Affiliated Kindergarten, and the participants are 29 children of mixed ages of 3 to 5. Observations, interviews, and documents were collected as research data for analysis. This study adopts action research methodology. At first, “The Interesting Wind” was designed as a theme web in a lesson plan. Based on real learning difficulties in actual teaching, this plan was modified for the following use. According to the goals and methods above, this study draws the following conclusions and suggestions: 1.The close contact with wind arouses children’s learning motivation:The kindergarten is in the highest level in the neighborhood, so “wind” comes to the campus in different ways. Therefore “the interesting wind” was used as the topic for children to experience the existence of wind with five senses. Children’s learning motivation was aroused through close contact, it is thus suggested that teachers collect children’s previous experiences to design science games in curriculum. 2.The modification of curriculum because children were not clear with “the smell of wind”: Through the first stage of “the characteristics of wind”, children were still not clear with “the smell of wind”, so it was decided to implement “the smell of wind” as the second stage. It is thus suggested that when teachers are implementing science games, the curriculum should be flexible and adjustable, to avoid rushing into the next activity when children are still confusing about the concepts. 3.Proper facilitation leads the children to describe what they have observed: In this study, children often answer questions based on their previous experience, instead of describing what they have observed. Teachers should reflect on how to guild the students to avoid rote memory. It is thus suggested that teachers in the field do observations all the time to find out what the students need, and assure their understanding through learning scaffoldings.


周淑惠(2003)。幼兒科學概念之發展概況與其啟示。 國教世紀,206,19-28。
陳海倫、林珮伃(2009)。從團討出發走向師生共同建構的課程。幼兒教育年刊,20, 125-147。
