  • 學位論文


A kind of literature culture is studied specially--Take ancient agricultural book as an example

指導教授 : 周彥文


以農立國的古老中國,自古農業發達,從古至今,除了農民世代的經驗傳承之外,中國農業的發展過程中,留存了極其豐富的古農書文獻,這些文獻,記載了各個時代,有關於農業發展的種種知識與技術。 從古農書當中的紀錄,對應所處的時代、社會背景、經濟等等因素,將會產生不同的交會與衝擊,並呈現出姿態各異的文化樣貌;所以,從古代農書文獻當中所記錄的有關古代農業技術及知識的種種發展,進而察考其中蘊含的農業文化面向,應該是很值得探討的議題。 本論文便擬從文化的角度,討論古農書文獻當中所蘊含的農業文化面向;第二章〈重農思想傳統與中國農書文獻發展〉,先討論中國歷代重農的思想傳統,並簡要說明近代有關於古農書的分類原則,以及「農家類」圖書在歷朝史志及目錄書當中的著錄變化,以期釐清古農書文獻在歷代的發展及影響。 第三章〈古農書中的農業文化樣貌〉,則由古農書文獻入手,針對古農書當中蘊涵的豐富而多元的農業文化做一簡要的梳理,分成物質文化及精神文化兩個層面,討論古農書當中諸多如耕作技術、蠶桑紡織、畜牧、農時、農政等等農業文化的樣貌。 第四、五章則以五部大型綜合性農書《齊民要術》、《農桑輯要》、王禎《農書》、《農政全書》、《授時通考》做為範例,探討書中的內容,對應作者的觀念立場、所屬的時代社會背景等等因素,查考其中蘊含的特殊文化議題與意義。 最後,則由對於古農書當中所蘊含的農業文化的討論,進而釐清作為一個專類文獻類型的古農書文獻,是否可由文化研究的角度來探討,並由此而確立專類文獻文化研究之可能。並提出以古農書文獻為主的研究,未來還可以發揮的議題,譬如地域性的農業發展及文化之研究,或是各類型農業文化類型的深入探討等。


Sets up the nation based on agriculture ancient China, the agriculture was developed since old times, from ancient times till now, inherits besides the farmer generation's experience, in the Chinese agriculture's developing process, preserved the extremely rich ancient agricultural book literature, these literature, have recorded each time, has about agricultural development all sorts of knowledge and the technology. From the ancient agricultural book's record, corresponds time which, social background, economy and so on factors locates, will have the different rendezvous and the impact, and will present the cultural appearance which the posture will vary; Therefore, recorded from the ancient times agriculture book literature related ancient times agricultural technology and knowledge all sorts of development, then observation contained the agrarian civilization faced, should be the subject which was worth discussing very much. The present paper then plans from the cultural angle, discusses the agrarian civilization which in the middle of the ancient agricultural book literature contains to face; The second chapter , discusses the thought tradition which first Chinese all previous dynasties stress agriculture, and the briefing modern times have about the ancient agricultural book classified principle, as well as “the peasant family class” the books in the middle of the successive dynasties annals and the table of contents book's description change, defines clearly the ancient agricultural book literature by the time in all previous dynasties development and the influence. The third chapter , obtains by the ancient agricultural book literature, contains rich and many Yuan agrarian civilizations in view of the ancient agricultural book in the middle of makes a brief combing, divides into the material culture and the energetic cultural two stratification planes, discusses in the middle of the ancient agricultural book many like culivation techniques, silkworm raising spinning and weaving, raising livestock, farmer season, agricultural politics and so on agrarian civilization the appearances. Fourth, fifth take five large-scale comprehensive agricultural books, " chyi mjn yaw shuh ", " nong sang jyi yaw", Wang Jen " nong shu", " nong jeng chyuan shu", " show shyr tong kao" do as the model, discusses in the book the content, corresponds author's idea standpoint, respective time social background and so on factors, the investigation contains special cultural subject and significance. Finally, by the agrarian civilization discussion which contains regarding the ancient agricultural book in the middle, then defines clearly an achievement special kind of literature type the ancient agricultural book literature, whether can discuss by the cultural research angle, and establishes specially possibility of from the kind of literature culture research. And proposed that by the ancient agricultural book literature research primarily, the subject which in the future may also display, for example regional agricultural development and the cultural research, perhaps various types agrarian civilization type thorough discussion and so on.


