  • 學位論文


A study of the development of multi-company communities of practice: With an example of the network of chief knowledge officers

指導教授 : 何俐安


實務社群已被視為是知識分享的主要工具,也是建構知識管理切實可行的步驟。本研究旨在探討多企業實務社群發展歷程,以及歸納多企業實務社群所產生之效益。本研究為質性研究,應用個案研究法,以「知識長交流會」為研究個案,透過觀察、文件分析及訪談等多元方法蒐集資料。 研究發現,成員參與社群之動機因人而異,於個人層面,成員以個人專業發展、認知興趣、社會關係為主要動機;工作層面則以工作改善為主;在組織層面,主要為組織期望、組織服務或蒐集市場資訊而參與。 定義功能角色與分工是多企業實務社群運作之要務,透過組織核心成員共同經營多企業實務社群,有助於社群發展。成員互動為關係建立之基礎,透過實體活動之聯結性高於虛擬活動,因此面對面的接觸與對話,對成員有其必要性,互動機會愈多,成員所建立的關係就愈深化。多企業實務社群之發展並非一路平順,成員、社群背景以及技術環境等因素皆會造成社群發展的障礙。 本研究亦發現,多企業實務社群在社群、個人、工作及組織層面產生效益。就社群層面而言,多企業實務社群於社群中形成共同學習的空間,建立共通語言,並且在社群中形成一股知識分享的力量與正向影響,成為一個專家之學習管道。就成員而言,多企業實務社群協助成員專業學習與發展,且藉由實務分享,成員得以開擴思維,學習多方經驗,除此之外,更促進成員建立社會關係,結交同領域工作的企業人士。於成員工作層面上,多企業實務社群協助社群成員進行工作上的改善與改革,協助其解決問題,並改善工作程序。於成員之組織層面上,多企業實務社群為成員組織帶來短期或長期之影響,成員組織從社群中向他企業移轉最佳實務,藉由實務學習,強化領域能力,社群也為成員組織提供諮詢與商機之機會,促進組織內知識管理平台及制度之實施,並協助技術服務業者為其產品定位發展策略。


Communities of practice are seen as a primary vehicle for knowledge sharing and the practical way to frame the task of managing knowledge. However, the practical use in inter-organizational context of researches still lacks. The purpose of this research is to explore the development of multi-company communities of practice for the network of chief knowledge officers (CKO) from different organizations. A qualitative research design was employed. Data collection methods included in-depth interviews, documents analysis and observations. The results indicate that the motivations of members vary from one individual to another. On a personal level, three primary motivators are: learning and professional development, personal cognitive and interest, and building social relationships. On the work level, the primary motivators are problem solving and work improving. On the organizational level, the major motivators are to meet the expectations of the organization, providing better services for organization, as well as collecting market information. Defining functional roles and delegating authority are two top priorities in the community of practice. It helps community get forward through the core members and take part in operating the community. The multi-company community of Practice provides a platform to share practice from different enterprises. The more interactive opportunities between members the deeper relationship will be established. Therefore, face-to-face contact and dialogue are necessary for members. This research also found barriers and the effect of the multi-company communities of practice.


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