  • 學位論文


The PRC's Taiwan policy after the 18th CPC assembly - The Analysis of "People's Daily Edition"

指導教授 : 張五岳
共同指導教授 : 張仕賢


中共總書記習近平自共黨「十八大」、12屆「全國人大」後,「黨、政、軍」全面掌權後,對內積極肅貪整風工作,對外美日釣島之爭、東海南海爭議等議題,態度顯得較前任總書記胡錦濤更為強硬,故習近平對臺工作作風,究竟朝著「硬」走,亦或是朝更「軟」走,加深經濟利益交流及對民進黨內交流派工作,或者軟硬兼施,在在舉動皆引發外界矚目。 透由分析向被視為共黨宣傳黨意、政令等喉舌之人民日報之涉臺報導,冀圖分析習近平2012年11月「十八大」掌權後,中共對台政策「置重點」,故得以掌握對臺政策走向。 觀諸2014至2015年台灣境內發生318太陽花學運抗議「海峽兩岸服務貿易協議」審查程序、2014年中華民國地方公職人員選舉、兩岸領導人首次會面等重大事件,接續亦將面臨中華民國2016年總統大選,牽動中國大陸對台政策變化。另2015年「對台工作會議」內容,不談兩岸同屬一個中國的框架、不說繼續為破解兩岸政治難題創造條件,也沒有一國兩制,目前中共的對台政策恐已進行調整,淡化與政府間交流重要性,而是將希望寄望於台灣人民,也就是直接由中共本身進行台灣人民工作。 本文研究範圍從2014年1月1日至2015年12月31日,整段期間共2年時間,資料蒐集對象以「人民日報」涉台報導為主,其樣本總數為541則。 以中共對台政策主軸分析,本研究發現,政治方面係堅守「九二共識」「一個中國」原則下,更多訴諸「兩岸一家親」情感訴求,在涉外國際部分均未見相關報導,僅有在涉及台美軍售案時,展現強硬立場,顯示出中共定調兩岸關係為內部事務;在經濟事務部分則置重報導兩岸經濟協議簽訂,且要求持續加大兩岸經濟合作、保障台商等內容;兩岸交流部分則將置重點轉向至惠及中下層民眾。故分析人民日報涉台報導,主要瞭解中共對台的真正態度與動向,雖並非為絕對的依據,但卻是不可忽視一環。


Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese president, emphasized corruption as a threat to the survival of the Chinese Communist Party. Xi also faced a tough diplomacy ,and showed a tough attitude toward The Senkaku Islands dispute(or Diaoyu Islands dispute), Territorial disputes in the South China Sea. What Xi Jinping will take attitude towards Cross-strait relations, in the future when Chinese Communist Party keep to deepen economic Cooperation with Taiwan, strength communication with the DPP. The policy that Xi may take initiated in all countries concerned. View all territory of Taiwan from 2014 to 2015 occurred Sunflower Student Movement protests, 2014 Taiwanese local elections, 2015 Ma–Xi meeting, affect Chinese mainland's Taiwan policy changes. Also in 2015 the contents of "Taiwan Affairs conference," not mention to One-China policy. It showed that the current Taiwan policy of the CCP had adjusted, not emphasized the communication between governments, but the people of Taiwan. This research focuses on the newspaper, People’s Daily, which official publishes, reflects the opinion of CPC collective leadership and the strongest decision-making movement capturing canonical media. Analysis of the People's Daily reported that Taiwan-related, understanding the attitude and trend of Taiwan policy In this research, ranging from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015, the whole period of 2 years, collect "People's Daily" reported mainly related to Taiwan, the total number of report is 541. The study found that the CCP insisted on the "1992 consensus" of "one China" principle. It resorts to "cross-strait one family" emotional appeal. There is no report in the international column, only when it comes to Taiwan-US arms sales to show a tough attitude, showing cross-strait relations are internal affairs. Policies of cross-strait exchanges will be shift the focus on the lower classes.


