  • 學位論文


The Formation and Implementation of the Curriculum and Instruction Pioneering Project in Taipei Senior and Vocational High Schools:The Perspective of Leadership for Learning

指導教授 : 潘慧玲


因應十二年國民基本教育,臺北市政府教育局於2012年對高中職提出領先計畫,挹注學校高額經費以促進學校發展必修或必選的全校性校本課程、校長實踐課程與教學領導、教學研究會和教師專業社群活絡運作,且學校持續精進以學生學習為核心的教與學。 為了解臺北市領先計畫的形成與推動,本研究以「學習領導」觀點探討地方政府層級之作為,包含領先計畫融入學習領導理念之形成背景及政策發展過程、實踐學習領導的作為及遭遇的困難。採用質性個案研究為研究取徑,以半結構式訪談及文件分析二種方法進行資料蒐集。訪談對象為臺北市政府教育局內部規劃與推動領先計畫的相關人員(包含教育局局長、副局長與中等教育科課程督學等人),以及負責推動執行領先計畫的教師研習中心主任與研究組組長。本研究所獲結論如下: 一、領先計畫在準備階段即能實踐學習領導部分內涵(願景及目標的建構、資源取得與善用)。 (一)領先計畫的形成背景乃臺北市政府為解決教育現場問題,在教育局局長理念的驅動下,因應國家教育政策而產生。 (二)經由諮詢教授指導與反覆討論,並在尋獲經費挹注後,在市府首長的支持下推出。 (三)領先計畫的推動準備過程包含行政啟動階段擇定執行單位、發展審查工具,以及推動階段的計畫審查、諮詢輔導與成果評核。 二、領先計畫的具體作為符應學習領導五個構面,體現在願景及目標的建構、教師學習成長之促進、課程與教學計畫的協調檢視、資源取得與善用及型塑有助於學習的文化等面向。 三、領先計畫在理想與現實之間的差距,主要來自制度面的限制(政治現實的考量與系統性研究的不足),以及行政實務的困境(人力資源困境與補助經費編列問題)。 最後根據本研究的發現與結論,文末針對行政主管機關及後續研究提出相關建議。


學習領導 領先計畫


In 2012, according to the 12-year Compulsory Education Program, Education Bureau in Taipei City has addressed the Curriculum and Instruction Pioneering Project in Taipei Senior and Vocational High Schools and allocated a large amount of money to assist schools in developing school-based curriculum, to promote curriculum and instructional leadership in principals, to prompt the active operation of teaching seminars and professional learning community, and to ensure constant progress in student-centered teaching and learning. To explore the formation and implementation of the Pioneer Project led by the local government, the study employed the perspective of leadership for learning. Three aspects were probed, including the context and formation stage of the Pioneering Project, the measures and actions taken to fulfill the leadership for learning, and the difficulties confronted. A qualitative case study was used with semi-structured interview and document analysis as methods to collect data. The interviewees were relevant officials from the Taipei Education Bureau, such as superintendent, deputy superintendent, and school inspectors of Secondary Education Division, and those responsible for promoting and executing the Pioneering Project, including the Director and Head of the Research Division. The conclusions are as follows: I.In its preparation phase, the Pioneering Project had exerted some aspects of leadership for learning, such as constructing the visions and objectives, obtaining resources, and making good use of the resources. (1)The context of the Pioneering Project formation was that driven by the superintendent’s ideals and the national policy, Taipei City Government was devoted to solve the problems in schools. (2)Through repeated discussion with the university faculty as consultants, and obtaining the funding and support from Taipei City mayor, the Pioneering Project was launched. (3)The preparation process of promoting the Pioneering Project included both the administrative launching phase to choose the execution unit and to develop auditing tools. The promoting phase included auditing the project, consultation, and outcome evaluation. II.The measures taken by the local government to launch the Pioneering Project corresponded to the five aspects of learning leadership: 1) the constructing of visions and objectives, 2) enhancement of teachers’ learning growth, 3) inspecting and coordinating curriculum and instructional programs, 4) acquiring and making use of the resources, and 5) shaping culture conducive to learning. III.The gap between the ideal and the reality for launching the Pioneering Project resulted mainly from the restriction of existing system (i.e., political consideration, lack of systematic research) and the dilemma of administrative tasks (i.e., shortage of human resources, problems of subsidy budget). In the end, according to the findings and conclusions of the research, related suggestions are made to the administrative authorities and subsequent researchers.


