  • 學位論文


The Comparison Content Analysis Research of People's Daily on Taiwan's election(Comparing 1996 and 2000's Presidential Election as an Example)

指導教授 : 張五岳


本研究內容主要是針對中國官辦、官編、發行量最大的報紙:人民日報,最能夠反映中國最高領導人意見,最能透析其決策動態的權威媒體,作內容分析研究,主題為該報在報導、評論台灣第一次、第二次總統大選時的各項反應及其強度,期能透過量化的數據完整地指出該報訊息選材、批判的輕重比例趨勢,再藉由質化資料,以詮釋其所代表的意義與價值。 由於中共「人民日報」對於台灣一九九六年、二000年總統大選的報導數量不多,分別為115則、121則,所以,本研究不採抽樣方式,是以所有報導當作研究樣本,經過編碼、統計後,獲致以下結論: 一、比較一九九六年、二000年的「人民日報」報導策略方面,負面的評價多於正面的肯定。 二、「一個中國原則」、「一國兩制」、「台灣領導人的變更改變不了台灣是中國一省的事實」、「統一是中華民族共同的願望」是對台報導不可或缺的素材。 三、統一勢力多於台獨勢力、台灣選舉僅是地方政府選舉,為選後對台政治情勢解讀不變的基調。 四、文攻武嚇目標從「台灣當局領導人」擴大為「台灣人民」、宣傳策略從「寄希望於台灣當局領導人」轉化為「寄希望於台灣人民」。 總統直選是台灣無可抵擋的民主潮流,但很顯然地,李登輝、陳水扁的當選都是共產黨最不願意看到的結果,但又莫可奈何,只好不斷地重申「台灣領導人的變更改變不了台灣是中國一省的事實」,以結束「人民日報」階段性宣傳任務。 關鍵字:人民日報、內容分析法、李登輝、陳水扁。


The topic of this research focuses on the newspaper, People’s Daily, which official publishes, reflects the opinion of China leadership and the strongest decision-making movement capturing canonical media. It is content analyze for reporting the first and the second presidential campaign of Taiwan. The dimensions of analyzing reports include the topic of article, the category of article, and the term of article. The reports on the presidential campaign of Taiwan in 1996 and 2000 are not much (115, 121), therefore this research uses all reports as samples to encode and count. These are results: (1) In comparison between reports in1996 and 2000, negative reports are more than positive ones. (2) “One China policy”, “One China, two policies”, “No leadership shifting will change the fact that Taiwan is a province of China”, “It is common hope to unite” are essential materials for reports on Taiwan. (3) “The unite power is stronger than independent power” and “The elections in Taiwan are elections in a local government” have become a standard attitude on reports on Taiwan after elections. (4) The threatening target on both literacy and military has shifted from the leader of Taiwan to the people of Taiwan. The strategy on propaganda has shifted from “placing the hope on the leader of Taiwan” to “placing the hope on the people of Taiwan”. People voting directly for presidents is an inevitable democratic trend in Taiwan, however, the fact that the winning elections of both Lee Teng-hui and Chen Sui-ben are hard for Communist Party of China to swallow. Out of choice, Communist Party of China only can repeat the statement “No leadership shifting will change the fact that Taiwan is a province of China” to end People’s People’s Daily’s temporary mission on propaganda.


孫曼蘋(2000)。〈921 地震人民日報體系資訊傳布之初探〉,《新聞學研究》。


