  • 學位論文

以關注本位採用模式探討華語教師進行國際遠距教學之影響因素 ─以某華語中心為例

A Research on the Influential Factors of Instruction of Mandarin e-Instructors Based on the Concerns-Based Adoption Model-Using A Mandarin Center as An Example

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


網路科技與數位學習帶來了教與學的新趨勢與新願景,因應所需各級教學單位紛紛開始設置網路教學平台,以滿足學習者在學習上的多重選擇與多元學習,然而,對於一直以來採行面授課程的教師而言,確實是一大挑戰與抉擇。參與教師有時經驗不足,有時無前例可循,因此在課程內容與實施方式上都面臨了一些前所未知的困擾與疑惑。本研究欲了解華語教師參與國際遠距教學的情形,以某華語中心做為研究場域,採用質性研究半結構式訪談法,訪談五位曾經參與過國際遠距教學課程的華語教師,並利用關注本位採用模式理論來分析與了解華語教師進行遠距教學的關注情況與使用階段,以協助參與教師在遠距教學上展現較高的教學品質,在專業發展上更上層樓。 研究結果顯示,五位華語教師的發展都表現出任務關注「管理」階層的特徵,五位教師都很注重實際使用創新課程的過程,也瞭解如何使用資訊與應用資源的最佳方法。此外,其中有三位教師更關注此創新課程對學生所帶來的影響,進一步做了些評估與觀察,因此這三位教師之關注層級略勝一籌;也就是晉升到了影響關注「成效」階層的標準。 在使用階段方面,五位教師的使用範圍都在「例行化」階段以上,理論證實「例行化」階段可以被視為有意義的實施。研究中關注層級達到「成效」階層之三位教師為了增進創新課程的即時效果,在課程上的編排更為縝密,並常以學生為中心去思考,因此也擴大了執行上的空間與範圍,使用階段也就從「例行化」躍升至「精緻化」之等級。 研究者發現教師的關注階層與使用階段之間存在著對應性;換言之,教師關注層級的特徵越明顯,其使用的階段範圍也就越穩固,符合了「關注階層發展越高者,其所採行的使用階段之範圍也越高。」的理論基礎。然而,五位教師對創新課程之關注情況與使用階段都發展良好,在實施課程上也達到了「有意義」的水平,但是受到教學環境、設備、條件與個人特質的限制,目前向上延伸與發展的趨勢減緩。最後,本研究對於語言中心、課程參與教師以及未來研究提出一些建議,期盼往後在遠距教學之推行能更加順暢,並且讓遠距教師有更多元適性的發展。


With the new teaching and learning trend and vision attributed to Internet technology and digital learning, all teaching units are attracted to develop their e-learning platforms for satisfying the learners’ needs of multiple choice for multi-learning. However, it can be a big challenge or decision-making for those teachers adopting face-to-face courses. Because of the lack of experience or precedent, participating teachers encountered some unknown troubles and doubts on the content and implementation of courses. This study aims to know the situation of Madarian E-teachers participating International Distance Instruction, chosed one Madarian Center as a research field and interviewed five participating teachers by adopting Qalitative Research on Semi-structured Interview and to assist teacher perform higher teaching quality and to facilitate their professional development by adopting Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) for analyzing and understanding the stages of concern and Levels of Use of Mandarin E-teachers’ distance education. The result from the case study reveals that these five Madarian E- teachers all share the identical features in the Management stage of the task-concern. They care for the process of practical use of innovative courses and understand how to best use information and apply resources. Besides, three of them are even concerned about the impacts of innovative courses on students and further offered some assessment and observation. Therefore, these three teachers’ attaining stage of concerns is higher; namely, the Consequence stage of impact-concern. In the dimension of Levels of Use, all of the five Madarian E-teachers’ scope of use attained the Level of Routine. Theoretical evidences show that this stage can be considered as meaningful implementation. In study, three teachers attaining the Consequence stage of impact-concern chosed intensive course arrangement and considered it from students’ viewpoints for the ready effectiveness of innovative courses. Consequently, the room and scope of implementation is broader, which turned the Routine Level of Use to the Refinement Level. Researchers find that there is an existence of correlation between the former and the latter; namely, the more obvious feature the Stages of Concern the teachers own, the more steady scope the Levels of Use the teachers have, which meets the theretical base that ‘ the higher the development of Stages of Concern is, the higher the scope of Levels of Use becomes.’ However, all five teachers’ concerns for innovative courses and their development of Levels of Use are well-developed. Concerning the implementaion of couse, all of them attained the meaningful level. Owing to the restrictment of teaching environments, equipments, conditions, and individual traits, the tendency of its upward extendness and development is reduced. In the end, this study purposes few suggestions for language centers, participating teachers and future study, anticipating the unobstructed facilitation and development of distance education and the ample room for Distance Education Teachers’ development of multiple adaptation.


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