  • 學位論文


A Study on Design of Digitization Processes and Digital Archives Systems of Taiwan baseball relics

指導教授 : 林信成


國內尚未完成國家型棒球博物館之建置,棒球文物之收藏皆由不同單位及個人為之。本研究透過實際與棒球文物典藏單位合作,進行棒球文物數位典藏系統的相關設計及建置,於國家級棒球博物館成立前,先針對棒球文物進行調查、整理及數位化等步驟,以便簡化且加速未來棒球博物館成立後的作業流程,並期望本研究可做為未來國家級棒球博物館進行棒球文物數位化時之參考。 本研究實際之成果有三: 1.擬定棒球文物數位化工作流程並確立數位化方式 2.制定棒球文物詮釋資料格式及與其它詮釋資料格式之對應轉換 3.建置台灣棒球數位典藏系統 而本研究提出之建議有 1. 文物相關資料缺漏,須加強棒球文物管理 2. 制定相關權威檔 3. 改進棒球文物展示方式 4. 持續建置台灣棒球文物數位典藏系統 5. 可進行網站使用調查


The national baseball museum in Taiwan has not been founded yet. Therefore, most of the baseball relics are collected by distinct organizations or people separately. In this study, we cooperate with the organizations which have the collections of baseball relic to design and establish a digital archiving system for baseball relics. In advance of building the national baseball museum, some essential works such as investigating, reorganizing and digitalizing the baseball relics can be processed. Therefore, the operation of the national baseball museum in the future will be easier and more efficient. This research not only can provide a better insight, but also offer suggestions when establishing the national baseball museum in the future. The results of this study are as follows: 1. A digitization process and method for the baseball relics was proposed. 2. Designed a metadata format for the baseball relics and took a mapping with the other metadata formats. 3. The digital archiving system of Taiwan baseball relics was established. This study proposes some suggestions: 1. For the lack of baseball relics, the management of baseball relics needs to be improved. 2. The related authority control files should be constituted. 3. The way of exhibiting baseball relics on the website should be improved. 4. Continually establish the digital archiving system of Taiwan baseball relics. 5. Investigate the satisfaction of the web user.


吳政叡。都柏林核心集與元資料系統。台北市:漢美,民 87年5月。


