  • 學位論文


The Culture Power and Business Strategies of Japanese Fast Fashion:The Case Studies of POINT and UNIQLO

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


現在有許多的消費者對價格昂貴的名牌商品不會表現出濃厚的興趣,慢慢走向低價格、高品質的趨勢。主要的原因是,現在的年輕人對服飾的價值觀已漸漸改變,喜歡按照自己嗜好或是生活型態來決定穿著。加上日本經濟不景氣,個人所得下降,使得對服裝的支出減少,將影響日本服飾產業的發展。 近年來日本的服裝文化中出現了一個新名詞「快速時尚流行(Fast Fashion)」。所謂「快速時尚流行」係指,企業為了要創造營收,服飾須不斷創新流行款式,少批多量生產,使得服飾產品的生命週期縮短,兼因大量生產販售,導致平均價格下降,顧客購買率增加。而快速時尚流行的服飾具有流行性,輕鬆、方便、便宜也可讓日本人每天穿出時尚感,而且也已經席捲日本。 本論文為了要了解日本的快速時尚流行文化,本研究採用策略行銷中的4P、4C為主要分析重點,並以POINT及UNIQLO經營策略及SPA模型為例做比較。本研究所獲結論為: 1.在物價高的日本市場,以低價策略為武器的快速時尚流行企業依舊能夠持續成功開店。2. 因為日本百貨公司的衰退及消費者價值觀和生活型態的改變,目前日本服飾市場已以快速時尚流行為主流。 3. 透過POINT及UNIQLO企業案例研究分析,POINT提供鮮度高及具有流行性的商品,而UNIQLO較重視在情報發信與低價格高品質方面。以上敘述的快速、流行性、低價格、高品質是形成快速時尚流行非常重要的因素。


Nowadays, the trend shows that many consumers shift their interest slowly from expensive brand-name merchandise to the low price, high quality products. The main reason is that the value of today's young people towards the dress has changed over the years, they like to dress in accordance with their own hobbies or lifestyle. Moreover, with the economic downturn in Japan, the decline in personal income makes the spending in clothing decreased, which also affect the development of the apparel industry in Japan. In recent years, a new term "Fast Fashion" pops out in Japanese clothing culture. "Fast Fashion" means; in order to create revenue, companies need to create innovative fashions continually, manufacture small batches in large quantities, shortening the clothing product life cycles. By means of mass production would lead to the decline in the average price and increase the customer purchases rate. The fast fashion clothing has characteristics like fashion epidemic, simple, convenient, and cheap in price. These not only allow Japanese people enhance clothing fashion sense in daily wear, but also swept Japanese clothing culture. In order to understand the Japanese fast fashion culture, this study uses strategic marketing 4P, 4C as the main focus of the analysis, and compared with the POINT, UNIQLO business strategy and SPA model. The thesis has conclusion as follows: 1. In high living expense market in Japan, the fast fashion companies with low cost strategy as weapons still be able to continue the success of opening the shop. 2. Owing to the recession of the Japanese department stores and consumer values and lifestyle’s change, the fast fashion has become the Japanese apparel market mainstream. 3. Through POINT and UNIQLO case study analysis, we notice that POINT offered more fresh highly in terms of production and fashion culture, however, UNIQLO offered more quickly in intelligence and sending messages to the general public. Those factors that include fast, epidemic, low price, high quality are also a very important of forming the fast fashion culture.




