  • 學位論文


Philosophy of life in Ang Lee's Movie

指導教授 : 曾昭旭


以往觀賞在李安的電影之後,總會有股餘韻在心中纏繞,卻也無法真正有系統地說上什麼精闢見解,簡單來講,就是一種在生命激起的感動,那既可以讓人內傷自懷,也可以讓人從中提煉足以自癒的精粹。 正因為李安的電影中蘊涵這股濃濃人文關懷,是故激發筆者想從生命哲學的角度,逐一分析研究李安每一部作品的內涵意識,並從中總整理出李安電影一貫的核心價值為何,而在電影與哲學之間,是否真能取得一塊能相互輝映的空間,共同來觀照關懷現世人間? 本論文的研究共分為五章: 第一章為緒論,此主要說明筆者的研究動機、目的及研究方法與範圍、架構,並在研究背景下簡述目前有關李安電影研究的論文及著作。 第二章首先處理的是定義出本論所指稱的生命哲學為何,其次第二節則論述電影除了作為一種大眾娛樂的視聽媒介外,是否有其它價值,在其中探索哲學問題是否過於牽強,與電影之間是否真具有連結之處,最後一小節則談論李安的電影路及本論文所依據的作者策略在李安身上的印證。 第三、四章則是以時期作為依據,分別從第一部電影《推手》探討至2007年作品《色.戒》,旨在詮釋電影作品內容,並試圖彰顯電影的主題為何,又有何深層的生命義理意涵。 第五章結論,是從李安的十部電影中找尋其一以貫之的總主題為何,除發表本論文的研究成果外,並檢討本論在研究的過程中所面臨到的困境或限制,以提供未來想繼續研究這塊領域的作者參考。


Whenever finishing his movies, I always feel so touched , however I am unable to make any specific comment and insight. Simple to say, it is the sensation from the inspiration of the life, which makes people how to realize and get healed from the dark past. It is the rich of concerns of human beings in his movies that inspire me to analyze the deep meaning and consciousness in his every work from philosophy and induce the constant major point from his movies. However is it possible to find the relation between movies and philosophy to concern the society nowadays? The analysis is divided into 5 chapters as followed: First chapter is the preface for the motivation and reason to study, the method , range and organization to study. Besides, it is short brief about the analysis of his work and essay according to my perspective. In third and fourth chapter , according the period, it is discussed from first movie《Pushing Hands》to 《Lust,Caution》released in 2007. It talks about the content of the movie and the reflect the major point and why is there any deeper meaning in the life. The fifth chapter is the conclusion from his 10 movies for their constant major points. It is not only for releasing the result of this essay study , but also talking about the difficulties and the restriction in the middle of the study and supply all of this information for further study for others who are interested in the study of this field.


柯瑋妮(Whitney Crothers Dilley)著 黃煜文譯:《看懂李安──第一本從西方觀點剖析李安專書》台北,時周文化,2009年10月初版。



