  • 學位論文

公務人員工作壓力之研究 -以考選部人員為例

A Qualitative Study of Work-Related Stress and Coping Strategies among Public Servants: A Case Study of the Ministry Of Examination

指導教授 : 陳銘祥


一般傳統觀念中認為公務人員的待遇好、福利優渥、週休二日,固定上下班,工作壓力小,人人稱羨的鐵飯碗,殊不知社會環境變遷,民眾意識高漲,相對公務人員的工作壓力也逐漸上升。 本研究之目的在瞭解公務人員推行考選業務之實際壓力感知情形與調適狀況。本研究以考選部為研究區域,以考選部內具有官職等之公務人員為研究對象。本研究採取質性研究半結構性訪談方式蒐集資料,並透過立意取樣,以考選部14位現任人員作為訪談對象。研究發現如下: 考選人員工作壓力來源方面,可區分為工作特性、人際關係、升遷考核,與生涯規劃等四大面項,綜合受訪者整體分析,顯示考選人員整體工作壓力偏高,在各項因素中以「工作特性」的壓力最高,其次為「人際關係」,再者為「升遷考核」與「生涯規劃」。工作特性中,以時程壓力及工作內容改變為最大的壓力因素,其次人際關係中以兼顧家庭負擔過重,造成親子關係疏離,繼而影響工作。再者升遷考核及生涯規劃方面,其壓力因素為試辦新制考績法及無法擁有個人時間,參與研究進修提升專業職能。 多數考選人員在面對工作壓力時,都會使用生活情境調適、尋求社會支持、理性面對等三種方式來調適壓力。 最後,依據研究結果提供建議,行政機關及考選人員參考。


公務人員 工作壓力


Traditional belief that public servants are entitled to generous welfare, weekends, regular hours, and great benefits; however, the stability of this job is challenged due to the pressure from the work is getting higher and higher in face of the demands from the public. The purpose of this study was to understand how civil servants deal with pressures comes from their routines. In this study, the Ministry of Examination (MOEX) is the study area, official workers are the targets. In this study, semi-structured qualitative research interviews are used to collect information through purposive sampling, as interviews with 14 current staffs in MOEX. The findings are as follows: The source of work pressure can be divided into characteristics of the work, interpersonal relations, promotion, evaluation, and career planning. Among all, characteristics of the work is the highest pressure source, followed by interpersonal, promotion examination, and career planning. With regards to the characteristics of work, schedule pressure and changes play the crucial stress factors. Interpersonal relationships come from family burden, resulting in the alienation of the parent-child relationship. Last but not least, the new adjustment of law for appraisal system deprives public servants of time to take part in further development program. Most workers in MOEX Examination, will use situational adaptation to life, seek social support, and be rational to deal with pressure from work. Finally, suggestions based on findings are rendered as reference for further information.


public servant work pressure


