  • 學位論文


French cultural policy:‘‘nationalism, cultural governmentality, and cultural hegemony’’

指導教授 : Mohamed KERKALLI
共同指導教授 : Éric BARATAY(Éric BARATAY)




The study of French cultural policy has rarely concerned its own nationalistic and hegemonic aspects. This research is written from a critical perspective and endeavors to be as comprehensive as possible. In the first part, I present the process of the maturation about the French cultural policy: How is a national consciousness constituted? And how did the French cultural policy extend to the point of reaching some form of cultural colonialism? In the second part, I look into the question from a Taiwan perspective - a country whose political and cultural influences are relatively insignificant internationally. This Taiwan perspective enables me to have a deeper reflection on the process of the development of cultural policy: To what extent does the cultural policy can attain absolutization and hegemony? In the conclusion part, I focus on the cultural policy issues between Taiwan and China, which intertwine with culture, politics, colonization and Confucianism, and a comparison with the French cultural policy is thus made possible.


A. Politique culturelle
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