  • 學位論文


A Study of Sino-Russian Eastern Border (1949-2004)

指導教授 : 彼薩列夫 徐瑞雯


本論文主要研究1949-2004年間中俄東段邊界之問題。試圖探討中俄邊界問題的起因、過程與影響,中國和俄羅斯(蘇聯)近60年來的談判都無法脫離中俄邊界問題,邊界問題也影響兩國對於外交政策的作法;而世界局勢的變化也影響著這個問題。簡單的說,中俄邊界史就是中俄兩國關係史的縮影。東段邊界問題更是關鍵,並具有區域性及全球性的雙層意義,邊界問題影響到整個遠東和亞洲的穩定及安全。 本論文的結構分為五個章節,並以歷史過程為文章支架來加以說明: 第一章:研究動機與目的,並介紹使用的理論。 第二章:中俄東段邊界問題的歷史成因與國際法下的邊界條約認知差異。 第三章:重點在於1949年中共建國到1991年蘇聯解體之前,中蘇東段邊界上的問題爭議與衝突,以及三次中蘇邊界談判的過程。並依其特性分為避而不談(1949-1964)、寸土不讓(1964-1982)調和談判(1982-1991)等三個時期,加以討論。 第四章:從1991年至今分為合作協定時期(1991-2000)與條約深化時期(2000-2004),說明中俄兩國在邊界問題上的積極合作,且利用邊界協定來加強合作的範圍與深度,達到區域全球化的層次。 第五章:說明研究發現與理論分析的結果,並展望未來中俄東段邊界的發展。


The main research of this thesis is the problems of the Sino-Russian eastern border among 1949-2004, and its attempts to explore the occasion, process, and influence on the issues of Sino-Russian border. In the past 60 years, the negotiations of China and Russia (the Soviet Union) are inseparable from the issues of Sino-Russian border. The problems of the Sino-Russian eastern border affect the methods of the diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and these problems are also affected by variation in situation of the world. Briefly, a history of Sino-Russian border is the epitome of a history of Sino-Russian relations between China and Russia, especially for the Eastern border issues, which have not only the double-deck meanings of regionalism and globalization, but also influence on the stability and security of the Far East and Asia. The structure of the thesis is divided into five chapters; moreover, the texture of theme is illustrated by historical process: Chapter one: Research in motive and purpose, and introduction of the usable theory. Chapter two: The historical cause of the issues of Sino-Russia eastern border and cognitive difference in treaty of boundary under the international law. Chapter three: The focal point is the disputes and conflicts on the Sino-Soviet eastern border from 1949, when the Chinese Communist Party established the People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Chinese mainland to 1991, when the Soviet Union was disintegrated . Chapter four: Divided into two periods from 1991 to present, which are period of cooperation agreements (1991-2000) and period of deepen cooperation, settled by the treaty (2000-2004). These two periods state the positive cooperation on the issues of boundary between China and Russia and strengthen cooperative scope and depth by the treaty of boundary in order to attain the level of globalization. Chapter five: The discovery of research, the result of theoretical analysis and the prediction of the development of the Sino-Russian eastern border in the future.


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