  • 學位論文


Roof-Scape Space Research

指導教授 : 陳珍誠
共同指導教授 : 賴怡成


每一棟建築物的屋頂都有著專屬於自己的空間或活動型態,而每一棟建築物屋頂的表情也都不一樣。爬上建築物的頂樓,那一個遠離塵囂獨立存在都市之中的頂樓空間。放眼望去像極了漂浮在空中的都市地景,這個屬於都市的第二層地景本研究稱為「屋頂地景」(Roof-Scape)。在這層地景中,使用者以個人空的間需求極力的擴張領域範圍。在擴張領域的過程中,無視都市景觀的整齊與營造系統的正當性,呈現一種非正式營造系統下的屋頂增建。因此,造成台灣建築屋頂空間加建現況的背後的原因與空間使用型態,是本研究切入探討議題的起點。 藉由地區性的實地現況調查屋頂空間之形式、構造、材料與機能等項目,以拍攝記錄、建立模型的方式記錄屋頂空間使用現況。觀察累積的資料庫做為本研的基礎資料,並將所得之資料以屋頂空間使用類型加以歸類分析並加以分類,並且由這些類別中解析出屋頂加建之建築基本元素,透過這些基本元素組構出目前台灣屋頂地景的初步樣貌。之後運用這些既有的建築基本元素,並且以新的空間計畫加入屋頂空間是本研究設計操作的主軸。 本研究進行三個階段的設計操作,嘗試在既有的屋頂空間架構下植入新的空間計畫,企圖突破現有屋頂空間使用狀態,並探求新形態的屋頂空間計畫。第一階段:以基本建築元素重新組構屋頂空間。這階段並無實質的空間計畫,僅就既有的建築元素運用參數化設計工具討論不同空間尺度與形態的可能性。第二階段:加入居住行為的空間計畫,以大、中、小三種不同的住宅規模配合參數化設計工具來探討屋頂住宅空間不同類型的可能性。第三階段:以四個不同尺度的實際基地,由都市觀點操作屋頂空間的發展。嘗試以材料構築、空間計畫、空間複合運用等向度為主軸,企圖在現有的都市屋頂空間的架構之下,建立起另外一種都市更新策略的可能性。最後在一連串的設計操作後,本研究期望提供未來面對都市屋頂空間的新態度與新思維,營造符合大眾公共利益的屋頂地景為未來繼續研究的方向。


Abstract The expression of each roof of the building is different, while at the same time having exclusively for its own spaces or activities. Away from the hustle of daily life, the independent roof spaces appeared to be the second layer of urban landscape floating in the air, which has named “Roof-Scape” in this research. The realm expansion depending on individual needs presents an informal construction system of annex, neglecting either the regularity of the city or legal rules. Therefore, the exploration of reason and space type of the architectural roof space construction in Taiwan framed the intention of this research. Field study on regional roof type, structure, materials and functions has recorded with photographs and models. Observation database classification suggested some basic elements of the existing buildings. The keynote of the design operation in this research is to develop a new space plan according to these basic elements. The attempt of breaking rules and trying to implant a new type of space plan in the framework of existing roof space program has operated in three stages. Stage one, remodeling the roof spaces in respect of the use of parametric design tools discussing the possibility of different spatial scales and forms. Stage two, discussing space within living behavior, using three different residential scales with parametric design tools to explore the possibility of different types of roof residential space. Stage three, developing the new form of roof space under the view of urban landscape with four actual sites of four different scales. The anticipation of this study is in an attempt to establish the possibility of another kind of urban renewal strategy under the framework of the existing urban roof space. There is an expectation to provide new attitudes and ideas for urban renewal, and keep the public interest to continue to study for the future.


Roof-Scape Typology Parametric Design Tectonic


Zubin Khabazi
張孟迪,2005《鐵皮城市的形式辯証 _機構控制與草根營造植入之空間互涉》,碩士論文,淡江

