  • 學位論文


A Study on Engineering Properties of Warm Mix Asphalt

指導教授 : 劉明仁


瀝青混凝土產業本身就是一項大量消耗資源與能源的工業,尤其是熱拌瀝青混凝土(hot mix asphalt, HMA),它的製造過程需要消耗大量能源。隨著公路品質的提升,熱拌瀝青混凝土路面已成為台灣主要路面形式,現在台灣每年生產大量熱拌瀝青混凝土,以因應路面興建與維修所需。然隨著國際原油價格飛漲對於相關產業造成一定之影響,研究如何節約資源與能源已變成各國瀝青混凝土產業發展之方向。 溫拌瀝青混凝土(warm mix asphalt,WMA)是一種可降低能源消耗、減少污染氣體排放之新型材料,它在加入一些添加劑或是改變拌合方式下,可在相對較傳統熱拌瀝青混合料有更低拌合溫度與夯壓溫度,且與傳統熱拌瀝青混凝土有著相同成效及性能的表現, 本研究採用國內可得之瀝青添加劑(Sasobit®)依不同添加量(添加量為瀝青膠泥重量1%、3%及5%)分別預混加入AC-20等級瀝青膠泥中,以檢驗瀝青膠泥在添加劑添加前後之基本物性的變化。再進行密級配瀝青混凝土Marshall配比設計,進行後續熱拌瀝青混凝土與溫拌瀝青混凝土工程性質之試驗,了解兩者間之差異,以提供國內鋪面工程應用溫拌瀝青混凝土時之參考。 本研究主要結論如下: 1. 由瀝青黏度試驗中可發現到Sasobit®在溫度低於凝固點時提供瀝青膠泥勁度,提高黏滯度用以抵抗外力破壞;當溫度高於凝固點時降低瀝青黏滯度提供良好的工作性。隨著Sasobit®含量的增加,高溫改善流動性能力亦增加,瀝青混凝土拌合溫度也愈低,本研究中傳統熱拌瀝青混凝土與溫拌瀝青混凝土拌合溫度可相差18℃。 2. 在間接張力試驗與穩定值試驗中,1%含量Sasobit®之強度都低於控制組,但隨添加量增加強度有上升之趨勢。 3. 根據車轍輪跡試驗結果,3%含量動態穩定值為最優秀,控制組次之,最差者為1%含量。 4. 經過本研究各種試驗因子相互評比排序,3%Sasobit®含量為本研究中最佳瀝青添加劑使用量。


Many warm mix asphalt (WMA) technologies have been developed recently to reduce the temperatures at which asphalt mixtures are produced and compacted. Although several WMA projects have been explored in the United States, Europe, and some countries in Asia, there is a need for the research to evaluate the applicability of WMA in Taiwan. In this study, the engineering properties of asphalt binders and mixtures modified with one of the commonly used additives (Sasobit®) were evaluated. The properties examined include penetration, viscosity, softening point, indirect tensile strength, rutting resistance and resilient modulus. In addition, properties of mixtures after AASHTO R30 long-term aging were also investigated. Four addition rates (0%, 1%, 3% and 5% by weight of binder) of Sasobit® were selected to evaluate their effects and to determine the optimum addition rate. Major conclusions were summarized as follows: 1. WMA containing Sasobit® had decreased viscosity at higher temperature, and increased viscosity at lower temperature. The reduction of WMA mixing temperature was found to be 18℃ with both 3% and 5% Sasobit®. Binders with Sasobit® resulted in increased softening point and reduced penetration. 2. Test results showed that both indirect tensile strength and Marshall Stability of WMA with 1% Sasobit® were lower than those of the control (0%), but were increased with higher addition rates (3% and 5%). 3. The wheel tracking test results indicated that WMA with 3% Sasobit® had the highest dynamic stability (DS) which was a general indicator of rutting resistance. 4. The recommendation addition rate of Sasobit® was 3% based on overall performance evaluation in this study.


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