  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Elementary school Principal Leadership for Learning: Using the Approach of Learning Community as an Example

指導教授 : 潘慧玲


本研究以一所推動學習共同體的國小為個案學校,以校長學習領導為焦點,瞭解該校推動學習共同體的背景脈絡、校長以學習共同體進行學習領導理念的內涵,並透過校長學習領導一軸心五構面的層面,分析校長以學習共同體進行學習領導的行為內涵,並瞭解個案學校推動學習共同體實踐歷程中,其遭遇困境與解決策略、影響因素。 本研究針對一位校長、二位主任以及二位教師為對象進行訪談,輔以文件分析、現場觀察,並將所蒐集的資料進行相互檢定,獲得以下之研究結論: 一、個案學校的原有傳統價值及校長教育理念的極力提倡,是以學習共同體進行學習領導的發展脈絡。 二、學習共同體的實際作為根據學習領導一軸心五構面發展,分別為: (一)「分散性領導」: 1.校長給予初步想法,由其他成員共同參與規劃及執行。 2.校長加入參與執行,與成員共同承擔領導與決策的責任。 (二)「建構學習願景及目標」: 1.執行學習共同體前的理念宣示。 2.過程中持續溝通、串聯學校整體願景與目標的建構。 (三)「促進教師學習及成長」: 1.善用行政力量,安排教師學習時間。 2.建立支持系統,幫助教師有效學習。 3.善用團隊力量,協助教師解決困難。 (四)「計畫、協調及檢視課程與教學」: 1.參與各項學習共同體相關會議。 2.與行政團隊研擬執行計畫及相關運作過程改善策略。 (五)「取得與善用資源」: 1.積極爭取及申請教育局等機構之相關計畫,以獲得經費資源。 2.親自邀請學習共同體理念之專家學者加入。 (六)「型塑有助於學習的文化」: 1.引進學習共同體理念,營造學習氛圍。 2.校長自身為執行表率,帶領學習風氣。 三、推動學習共同體之實踐過程遭遇「分組問題」、「返回技巧問題」以及「主管機關問題」;其校長以學習領導內涵之解決策略為「營造問題意識,並共同溝通及解決組別分配問題」、「引導成員並共同學習,建立問題解決能力」、「校長為外部與內部環境的協調角色,盡可能降低作業上壓力」。 四、推動學習共同體之影響因素為「人員參與程度不全面,恐影響參與中的成員」、「校長參與的深淺程度,影響成員積極度」;其落實關鍵為「發展空間自主性高,成員意願性、自發性也相對較高」、「全體成員共同性參與,締造帶動效應」。 最後根據本研究的發現與結論,文末針對學校行政單位、學校參與教師、後續研究提出相關建議。


A case school implementing learning community (LC) was recruited to investigate how the principal exerted learning leadership for LC. Specifically, the school context, the concept and practice of principal leadership and the problems, solutions and influencing factors were explored. An axis with five dimension of leadership for learning was used for analysis. In this study, the research methods included interviews with a principal, two directors and two teachers. Document analysis and field observations were also used. The data collected were triangulated and produced the following conclusions: 1. The traditional values of the case school and the principal’s educational concepts were the basis for the implementation of learning community under the leadership for learning. 2. The execution of learning community according to the one axis and five dimensions of leadership for learning might be described as: (1) To perform distributed leadership: a. The principal produced preliminary ideas and the other members got involved in the planning and execution. b. Principals and the other members were all responsible for the leadership and decision-making. (2) To construct learning vision and goals: a. Advocating the concept of learning community before executing. b. Keeping ongoing communication and linking the school vision with goals. (3) To promote learning and growth of teachers: a. Using executive power and arranging teacher learning time. b. Establishing the supporting system and helping teachers learn effectively. c. Making good use of team power and assisting teachers to solve their problems. (4) To plan, coordinate and review the curriculum and instruction: a. Participating in relevant meetings of learning community. b. Developing implementation plans and improvement strategy of operational process with the administrative team. (5) To get the best use of resources: a. Actively seeking and applying for the relevant projects to get funding. b. Personally inviting experts and scholars to join in the program of learning community. (6) To help shape the culture of learning: a. Introducing the concepts of learning community concepts to teachers and creating school learning atmosphere. b. Acting as a model of learning community and leading the shaping of learning culture. 3. In the process of implementing learning community, the case school suffered from grouping problem, teaching skill of returning to the text and educational authority problems. The principals adopted the strategies to solve problems, such as creating teachers’ awareness of problems and communicating with teachers to solve problems, guiding teachers to learn together and building teachers’ problem-solving ability. The principal also played the role to coordinate the external and internal environment and to minimize the job stress on teachers. 4. The negative influencing factors for implementing learning community were lacking full involvement from teachers and principals’ involvement due to busy schedule. The contributing factors were teachers’ high autonomy and strong willingness, and all members’ participation of the program creating a driving effect. Finally, based on the findings and conclusions of the study, suggestions for school administrators, school teachers and the future study were proposed.


吳俊憲(2012)。推動高中職學校優質化-「學習領導」 之觀點分析。台灣教育評論月刊,1(10),39-42。


