  • 學位論文


A Narrative Study on The Life Experiences of Single Men in Middle Adulthood

指導教授 : 郭瓈灩


本研究以3位41-45歲、目前無交往對象之未婚單身男性為研究對象,透過訪談和「類別-內容」敍事分析方法,探討成年中期未婚單身男性的生活與心理樣貎。研究發現如下: 1.對成年中期未婚單身男性來說,自主性高是單身生活的最大優勢,在日常生活中或職場上,也鮮少因為單身而感到不便或歧視,但由於他們的單身非出於自願及家人親友的催婚壓力,他們對整體生活的評價並不高。 2.成年中期未婚單身男性對自己單身原因的詮釋:(1)工作型態或環境不利於認識異性和維繫感情;(2)個性內向、害羞、預期失敗、在意社會評價等;(3)人際互動技巧不足;(4)經濟基礎不夠;(5)女性不喜歡與長男獨子交往;(6)女性不喜歡嫁入客家家庭。 3.成年中期未婚單身男性不會主動求助家人、親友介紹對象,但都有被動接受家人、親友安排相親的經驗。在拓展交友機會方面,他們接觸過婚友社、交友網站和App等管道,但由於對媒合結果失望或沒有時間經營等因素,都沒有持續參與。 4.家庭(特別是父母)對成年中期未婚單身男性的婚姻期待,主要為「傳宗接代」,但未必毫無彈性、完全不可鬆動。另一方面,他們對自己也有「行孝」的角色期待。 5.對成年中期未婚單身男性而言,婚姻的意義包括:(1)完成家庭「傳宗接代」的期待;(2)滿足愛與隸屬感;(3)創造生命的意義;(4)獲得社會認同。他們對夫妻的角色期待仍帶有父權色彩,即男性是家庭主要經濟供給者,女性的主要責任是在家帶小孩,但尊重女性婚後就業的決定。 6.在擇偶態度方面,老化影響成年中期未婚單身男性的自信。他們認為優勢正在流失,但若經濟能力與年齡俱增,便可「愈老愈吃香」;在擇偶條件方面,他們考慮生育年限,偏好比自己年輕的女性,有人不考慮大於35歲的對象,也有人設下限在10歲以內。 7.對成年中期未婚單身男性來說,即使有感於找到適合對象的機會可能不多了,跨國婚姻仍然是最後不得已的選項,因為不只有跨文化的障礙,也有心理上的障礙。 8.成年中期未婚單身男性仍盼望走入婚姻,但跟其他生涯目標比較起來,實現結婚願望的方法並不明確,行動力不足。


The study aimed to understand the life experiences of single men in middle adulthood by interviewing three male participants aged 41 to 45, never-married and currently in no relationship. The materials collected via interviews are analyzed by using the “categorical content” model under the narrative approach. The findings are summarized below: 1.Autonomy is the most important advantage of their single lives. They have more freedom and rarely feel inconvenience or discrimination. However, their life-satisfaction is roughly at a medium level due to unwillingness for singlehood and pressures from their families, which push them hard for marriages. 2.The causes of being single include (1)work-related factors,(2)traits of introversion, shyness, fear of failure and concerns about social judgment.(3)a lack of interpersonal skills.(4) financial factors,(5) the status of the oldest and only son in a family,(6) Hakka males are unpopular in the marriage market. 3.They never call for help with looking for wives, while accepting arrangements by their families or friends to have a blind date. In spite of desires to meet more female friends, they disappoint with dating agencies, dating web sites or App. 4.Continuing the family line by having a son(傳宗接代) is their families’ major expectation for their marriages, which is not necessarily unshakable all the times. One the other side, they may expect themselves to be a filial son as well. 5.The meaning of marriage includes (1) continuing the family line by having a son,(2) satisfaction with love and belongingness,(3) creating the meaning of life,(4) acquisition of social recognition. 6.Aging issues have an impact on their confidence in search of wives. They believe that their advantages are shrinking unless their fortunes are growing with years passing. In spouse selection, they prefer younger females within a 10-year difference, considering the infertility risk. 7.Athough having a sense that the chance is slim to find an ideal wife, they still regard the marriage with a foreign spouse as a very last resort due to cross–cultural concerns and the resistances in their minds. 8.They still carry the hope for getting married to have their own families, but there is a lack of clear strategies to realize it, compared with their other goals, such as pursuits of a Master’s degree, a stable job or better health.


single men middle adulthood singlehood unmarried men




