  • 學位論文


Development and Influence of human resources to Singapore

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


新加坡經濟發展能夠成功的原因是什麼?人們普遍認為:其成功原因在於新加坡有堅實經濟基礎、雄厚資金、完善金融體制、先進通訊設施、便利交通運輸、以及快捷發達的港口服務等等。但成功的根本原因,在於「人才立國」的策略,實行「菁英治國,重用人才」,制定有效的「識才、用才、育才、留才、尊重知識」等人才資源的政策。經過數十多年的努力,新加坡人才在經濟調整和知識轉型方面產生了不可替代的作用。因此,為深入了解新加坡人才資源的開發情況與實際成效,需先從新加坡渴求人才的原因進行探討。 新加坡教育系統的人才開發方式,應由3個方面來加以討論,一個是普通高等教育體系方面,包括經濟發展因素、提升高等教育素質,以及拓展國際化高等教育等;其次,是職業技術教育體系方面,包括職業技術教育的改革與發展、正規與非正規職業技術教育、以及成人與終身學習培訓教育等;最後就是新加坡畢業生勞動市場與就業狀況等,經由這3方面資料的綜合討論,來探討新加坡對於人才培訓教育方面的開發方式與影響。 更細說高等教育的部分,包含新加坡重視高等教育的原因、高等教育改革與發展、學生分流入學的方式、以及高等教育體系菁英人才的發展與效果,另外就是如何吸引新加坡人到外國留學的留學生回到新加坡來為國家服務等等;而職業技術教育與成人非正式教育的部分,包含新加坡重視職業技術教育的原因、新加坡職業技術教育的改革與發展、以及新加坡的已就業勞工或即將踏入職場的新勞動力人口,經由成人教育或是終身學習教育的再培訓或再進修,來成為新興的高技術菁英人才等等。 另外,世界著名的大學、歐美知名學府、以及外國培訓機構陸續進駐新加坡,成立新加坡分校或培訓中心,為新加坡提供更加深化人才培訓與世界性的技術人才,這些政策都是新加坡政府非常歡迎的。因此,針對新加坡如何引進其他各國菁英人才來進駐到新加坡,包含新加坡吸引外國人才最強而有力的雙語教育發展狀況、新加坡國際人才引進的策略、新加坡政府透過外人直接在新加坡設立公司、或是由國外知名大學直接在新加坡設立分校,以及外國知名學府或其他教育機構,經由雙邊合作辦學,在新加坡設立新興的培訓機構,培養更多的菁英人才。 可是這卻也產生不容忽視的社會問題,就是在各種培訓管道增加後,因為競爭性大幅度的提高,是否會對新加坡本土受過高等教育畢業後進入職場的這些菁英人才,產生高才能低就業或高學歷高失業的社會現象?另外,外國人才的移入,加上本土新生兒人口的減少,對本土人才是否因此增加了失業問題?這些都是在加強人才培育之後,必須重視的問題。 新加坡政府也提供一系列關於FDI的政策,例如:1.通過直接或間接的方式給予企業補貼;2.管理和調節資本市場;3.實施人才發展政策;4.科技研發成果的産權保護與商業化政策等,以上種種論述都顯示新加坡政府非常重視外國直接投資一環,無論是外國跨國企業與技術性人才的移入,或者是本國企業與本土菁英人才的輸出,都是不遺餘力。這些外國直接投資,或者是跨國企業的移入,以及本國企業與本土菁英人才的輸出,對新加坡到底有多大的幫助,以及政府的政策效果如何,都是本研究所欲探討的部分。


What is the reason why Singapore economic development can succeed? People generally think: Its successful reason is strong economic base, abundant fund, consummation finance, perfect banking system, advanced communication facility, convenient communications and transportation, and swift developed port serve etc. But the basic reason successful is human resources. Through the efforts of several dozen more ten years, Singaporean talents produced irreplaceable function in view of economic readjustment and making the transition in knowledge. So, in order to understand the development situations and real effects of Singaporean talent resources in depth, the reason to need to crave for talents from Singapore first carries on the discussion. Singapore educates the systematic talents' tapping way, should be discussed by 3 respects, one is ordinary high education system, including economic development factor, improving higher education quality, and expand internationalized higher education etc. Secondly, it is a technological education system of the job, including the reform and development, regular with informal vocational and technical education, and adult and learns and trains educating etc. All the life of vocational and technical education; It is Singaporean graduate's labor market and employment state etc. finally, the comprehensive discussion via these 3 respects materials, to probe into the development way to talent training education in Singapore and influence. Describe the part of higher education in detail even more, include the reason why Singapore pays attention to higher education, high educational reform and development, student shunt the development and result of the way to enter school, and high talent of lush Great Britain of education system, it is the foreign student how to attract Singaporeans to go abroad to study abroad that gets back to Singapore to serve country etc. And vocational and technical education and adult's unofficial part that educate, include the reason why Singapore pays attention to vocational and technical education, the reform of Singaporean vocational and technical education and labor of the already obtaining employment of development, and Singapore or stepping foot on the new workforce's population of the job market soon, studies the retraining of education all the life or receives a training again via the adult education, to become new developing talent of lush Great Britain of high technology etc. In addition, the foreign training organization is entered and stationed in Singapore successively in the university of the name, famous institution of higher learning of America and Europe of the world, establish the Singaporean branch school or the training center, offer for Singapore and deepen talent training and world technician further, these policies were all welcomed very much by Singaporean government. So, how to introduce other talents of lush Great Britain of various countries to garrison in Singapore to Singapore, include Singapore's attracting the foreign talent's most powerful state of development of bilingual education, tactics of international talent introduction of Singapore, Singaporean government sets up the company in Singapore directly through the stranger, or the famous universities of foreign countries set up branch school in Singapore directly, and foreign famous institution of higher learning or other educational institutions, run a school via bilateral cooperation, set up new developing training organization in Singapore, train talents of more lush Great Britain. But this also produces the social concern that can't be ignored, but after various kinds of training channels increase, because the improvement by a large margin of competitiveness, will enter the job market's talents of the lush Great Britain to receiving high education and graduating in the Singaporean native country, produce the social phenomenon of the high low obtaining employment or well educated high unemployment? In addition, foreign talents move in, add the reduction of the native country neonate population, have increased the problem of unemployment to this native? All these are after strengthening talents to foster, the question that must be paid attention to. The Singaporean government offers a series of policies about FDI too. for example: 1.Replenish enterprises through direct or indirect way; 2.Manage and regulate the capital market; 3.Implement talent's development policies; 4.Science and technology researched and developed the achievement knowledge is protected and waited with the commercialized policy, the above argumentation shows that Singaporean government pays much attention to a foreign a ring of direct investment, no matter foreign transnational enterprises and technical talent move in, or national enterprises and output of talents of lush Great Britain of native country. These foreign direct investment or transnational enterprises move in, and national enterprises and output of talents of lush Great Britain of native country, the help how great on earth is it to Singapore, how is and the government's policy result, all this part wanted to probe into of research.


