  • 學位論文


A study on the system of teacher evaluation in the universities in Taiwan -- with a focus on the case study of Tamkang University

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究主要採用文件分析法、訪談法與個案研究法,旨在針對我國大學教師評鑑制度進行研究與分析,並以淡江大學教師評鑑制度做為個案分析之對象。主要目的包含: 一、瞭解我國大學教師評鑑制度之沿革發展。 二、探討我國大學教師評鑑制度之法令制度、執行現況及面臨的問題。 三、以淡江大學為例,深入剖析淡江大學教師評鑑制度之相關辦法研訂修改過程及實施現況。 四、根據資料分析與訪談的結果提出可供未來相關政策改革參考之建議。 本研究之主要結論可從下述四方面分別歸納如下: 一、我國大學教師評鑑制度之沿革發展 (一)大學教師評鑑之觀念自1940 年起即逐漸開始受到關注。 (二)大學教師評鑑之相關法規自1975 年起陸續開始訂定。 (三)大學教師評鑑制度自1991 年起逐漸建構成形。 (四)大學教師評鑑制度自2005 年《大學法》修正後,各校依法與落實教師評鑑制度。 二、我國各大學訂定教師評鑑辦法之情形 (一)各大學均已訂定教師評鑑辦法,近三成大學在《大學法》修訂前即有訂定教師評鑑辦法,雖各大學所採用之教師評鑑辦法名稱不一,但皆是以提升教師教學、研究與輔導服務之績效為主要目的。 (二)教師評鑑主要以專任教師做為評鑑對象,有八成之大學訂有永久免評條件;而在評鑑時,有五成四大學明確規定評鑑前,教師須先自評,而實施之頻率公立大學以每5 年為多,私立大學則以每年評鑑為多。 (三)負責教師評鑑單位之名稱,各大學採用教師評審委員會之名稱為多,評分制上六成大學採用分數制。 (四)近四成大學在辦法中有提及獎勵教師部分,超過九成五大學有另訂獎勵優質教師辦法。 (五)七成大學規定通過始得提升等,但僅一成五之大學明訂教師升等之期限,在未通過之處理上,以限制教師校外兼課情形為主。 三、淡江大學教師評鑑之實施情形 (一)淡江大學早在《大學法》修定前即已進行教師評鑑,惟當時是以「教師績效評量」方式進行。 (二)淡江大學教師評鑑辦法之修正包含:由系所訂定改為學院訂定、評鑑對象、免評對象、教學、研究與輔導服務上比重、評鑑結果、後續處理等之修正。 (三)淡江大學教師評鑑原則上採每聘期屆滿的編制內專任教師,以教師自我評鑑、學生評鑑教師及小組評鑑等方式進行,校級的教師評鑑係以七十分做為教師通過之基本門檻。 四、受訪者對於目前淡江大學教師評鑑制度之看法 (一)受訪者認為教師評鑑規則主要是由系所主管及院長來訂定之,以校教師評鑑辦法做為基本架構,再加入各學院特色持看法;教師評鑑可以使教師之績效提升,態度更為積極亦是教師績效之回顧,續聘之依據。 (二)評鑑規則由學院或系所來訂定,皆有其利弊,但若以學院來訂定,將可促進系所之合作;在修正上,以教學、研究、輔導與服務比重之更正影響最大。 (三)教師評鑑通過率極高,卻仍相當重視教師評鑑;修正決定會議之參與者,各學院採取方式不同,至於對於新進之教師,學院及學校有提供協助。 (四)比重之考量以學校母法做基準,並考量學院之特性,目前訂定之比重訂定尚屬適當,比重應以教學為主,研究與輔導服務不宜過高。 (五)教師視教學、研究與輔導服務為基本工作,教師評鑑規則對於教師而言,僅是基本工作之指標;教師評鑑對於教學、研究與輔導服務品質有正面之影響。 (六)目前教師評鑑對於個人或系所影響不大,僅對於未達到標準之教師,有其規範效果,但教師評鑑可協助教學主管瞭解系所之教師優缺點。 (七)實施教師評鑑對於學校整體教學環境有正面之影響、但對於教師評鑑制度,可再進行考量與修正。


大學 教師評鑑 淡江大學


This study mainly, via adopting the methods of document analysis, interview survey and case study, aims to explore the system of teacher evaluation in the universities in Taiwan in general, and taking the system of Tamkang University as the case study in particular. The purpose of the study includes: 1. To understand the development of the system of teacher evaluation in the universities in Taiwan. 2. To analyze the existing acts or regulations related to the teacher evaluation in universities in Taiwan, the setting up of related systems in all universities, their practical operation, as well as problems faced. 3. To explore intensively the establishment of the system of teacher evaluation at Tamkang University, including its origin, development, revision of related regulations, the similarities and differences among different colleges.. 4. To propose suggestions concerning the future reform or improvement of the related system,to the policy decision-makers, the universities, and the Tamkang University, based on the major findings of this study. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.The historical development of the systems of teacher evaluation in universities (1)The concept of teacher evaluation has been a major concern since 1940 in Taiwan (2)The system of teacher evaluation in universities in Taiwan has been established since 1975. (3)The system of teacher evaluation in universities in Taiwan has been gradually set up since 1991. (4)The system of teacher evaluation become a requirement for every university, according to the revised "University Law" of 2005, and all the universities in Taiwan have set up the related system since then. 2.The practical implementation of the related system in universities in Taiwan. (1)All of the universities have already set up their formal systems of teacher evaluation, and about 30% had implemented teacher evaluation before 2005. (2)The subjects of teacher evaluation in most universities are full-time teacher, but there are exemptions for certain groups in many universities. (3)The evaluation systems of teacher in almost all universities are based on the self-evaluation of teachers, the peer review in the same faculty after, and in a few universities external review is followed. (4)The period of evaluation of teachers in different universities vary with their rules, but the 5-year’s cycle is the most common rule in public universities, and in private universities teachers are evaluated every year normally. (5)Most universities have set up their rewarding systems for teachers having good performance, according to the result of evaluation. (6)The promotion of teachers is based on the result of teacher evaluation in most universities. 3.Teacher evaluation in Tamkang University (1)Tamkang University has implemented teacher evaluation before the revision of the“University Law”, but with different name for the system. (2)The regulation of teacher evaluation has been revised from the original one allowing each faculty to set up its own system, to the existing one, which allows each college to set up its own rule for all the faculties in the college, as a whole. (3)Teachers evaluation is based upon the self-evaluation and peer review mainly, and every teacher being evaluated according to the period of appointment, normally every two years.


史美瑤(2009)。老幹生新枝:透過評鑑(Post-Tenure Review)協助資深教師教學成長。評鑑雙月刊,22,46-49。


