  • 學位論文

親密關係研究: 知覺父母婚姻關係、與父母依附關係對大學生愛情觀之影響

Intimate relationship: Perception of Parental Marital Relationships and Attachment to Parents toward to love attitudes among college students

指導教授 : 孫旻暐


戀愛是大學生重要的課題,黃依玲與王以仁(2012)亦指出情侶間的分手事件或感情問題是大學生主要的困擾事件。以Erikson(1959)所提出的八階段心理社會發展理論(psycho-social developmental theory)來看,大學生正處於成人前期-親密與孤離(intimacy vs. isolation)的危機發展階段,此階段的個體需要尋求親密與隸屬,並嘗試建立一個健全的親密關係。然而大學生的親密關係是受何影響呢?研究指出子女透過觀察父母婚姻關係的互動,經由觀察學習的方式,進而建構出對於親密關係的看法與信念(黃宗堅,2010;黃宗堅、周玉慧,2009)。而Hazan與Shaver(1987)則以依附的觀點來看待此一歷程,認為愛情歷程為一種依附過程,即個體自小與重要他人所形成的依附風格,會在成人的親密關係中出現。因此本研究旨在探討知覺父母婚姻關係、與父母依附關係對於子女愛情觀的影響。 本研究以台灣籍大學生及其母親為研究對象,在台灣公私立大學中以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,研究問卷依對象不同分成「子女親密關係調查表」與「夫妻親密關係調查表」。在子女親密關係調查表中包含知覺父母婚姻關係量表、與父母親依附量表、愛情觀量表及個人基本資料表。在夫妻親密關係調查表中則包含兩部分,分別為婚姻親密狀況量表與個人基本資料表。本研究共發放665份問卷,在子女問卷中有效的樣本數為547份,在母親問卷中有效樣本數為180份,而子女與母親可配對問卷數為136份。 研究結果顯示(一)知覺父母婚姻關係可以顯著預測愛情觀類型中的現實條件(p<.05)與友伴照顧(p<.05);(二)與母親依附關係可顯著預測愛情觀類型中的追逐遊戲(p<.05)、現實條件(p<.05)與友伴照顧(p<.05);(三) 與父親依附關係可顯著預測愛情觀類型中的現實條件(p<.001)與友伴照顧(p<.01);(四)與父母親依附關係為知覺父母婚姻關係與現實條件愛情觀間的完全中介變項(Z = 3.46, p<.001;Z = 2.95, p<.01);(五) 與父母親依附關係為知覺父母婚姻關係與友伴照顧愛情觀間的調節變項(β= .27, p < .01;β= .17, p < .05);(六)親代婚姻親密成份可顯著預測子女的特定愛情觀點(all ps<.05)。由上述可知知覺父母婚姻關係、與父母依附關係對於子女愛情觀點的影響甚遠,研究者依據此結果進行討論,並對實務工作者提出建議,詳細內容請參見本文。


Love is an important issue for college students, Huang and Wang(2012) indicated that break ups and conflicts within the romantic relationships are major stress resources among college students. According to the psychosocial developmental theory, college students are at the crisis stage (intimacy vs. isolation); individuals at this stage have the need to seek intimacy and sense of belongingness. Yet, how do college students develop an intimate relationship? Research suggested that children construct concepts of close relationship by observing how their parents interact with one another within their marriage(Huang, 2010; Huang &Wang, 2012). However, Hazan and Shaver (1987) considered that love is an attachment process; individuals form affectional bonds with significant others, and then transmit these bonds into various styles of romantic love in adulthood. This study explored the relationships among children’s perceptions of parental marital relationship, attachment to parents, and love attitudes in college students. In the current study, Taiwanese college students and their mothers are recruited as the research participants. As well, questionnaire survey is also employed. Questionnaire is divided into "Child Intimacy Questionnaire" and "Marital Intimacy Questionnaire." The Child Intimacy Questionnaire contains four sections: perception of parental marital relationships scale, attachment to parents scale, love attitude scale and demographic information. The Marital Intimacy Questionnaire contains only two sections: marital intimacy scale and demographic information. In this study, there were a total of 665 questionnaires issued; 547 valid questionnaires were from the children and 180 valid questionnaires were from the mothers. Among the 665 questionnaires, only 136 from the children were also matched with their mothers. The statistical analysis results reveal that:(1) perception of parental marital relationship can significantly predict logical love(p<.05)and companionate love(p<.05); (2) attachment relationships to mothers can significantly predict game-playing love(p<.05), logical love(p<.01) and companionate love(p<.05); (3) attachment relationships to father can significantly predict logical love(p<.001)and companionate love(p<.01); (4) attachment to parental were examined as a mediator between perception of parental marital relationships and logical love(Z = 3.46, p=.000;Z = 2.95, p=.003);(5)attachment to parental were examined as a moderator between perception of parental marital relationships and companionate love(β= .265,p < .01;β= .171, p < .05); (6) parental marital intimacy components can significantly predict the specific love attitude of children (all ps <.05). In conclusion, perceived parental marital relationship and attachment to parents could have a great influence on the love attitude of the children. Based on the results, researcher examines the factors that may influence one’s love attitude. In addition, several advices are also provided in the discussion section of the study.


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