  • 學位論文


Effects of parenting role identity, role position and infant care competence on infant motor development in Taiwan Birth Cohort Study: the mediation effect of parent-child interaction

指導教授 : 江宜珍


研究動機:國內目前有關健康嬰幼兒行為動作發展的相關研究較為匱乏,且缺乏大型、全國性的調查。已知親子互動關係對孩子行為發展有顯著的影響力,過去研究發現母子依附關係對嬰幼兒行為動作發展的影響力相較父子依附關係更大,但有關父子與母子相處之差異是否會對嬰幼兒行為動作發展造成影響,仍有待進一步探討。此外,寶寶父親及母親自覺父職與母職角色之差異,是否會影響其採取不同的親子相處方式,進而影響嬰幼兒行為動作之發展亦有待了解。研究目的:(1)瞭解臺灣嬰幼兒行為動作之發展情形;(2)探討親職角色的認同、自我定位與能力評估對嬰幼兒行為動作發展之影響;(3)檢視親子相處狀況之中介效果。研究方法:使用行政院衛生署國民健康局臺灣出生世代研究之先驅調查資料庫(Taiwan Birth Cohort Study-Pilot Database, 簡稱TBCS-Pilot),排除樣本中有先天缺陷疾病或領有重大傷病卡之活產嬰兒,因此本研究結果僅能推論至健康嬰兒。本研究將嬰幼兒行為動作之發展速度依各階段(6個月大、18個月大及36個月大)所需發展完成之項目,區分為「發展完成」和「發展稍慢」兩組。採用廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equations, 簡稱GEE)中之隨機效果模式(Random Effects Model),探討影響嬰幼兒行為發展的長期因素,並以Sobel test驗證中介效果是否存在。研究結果:臺灣健康嬰幼兒在六個月大時只有30.30%為「發展完成」者;至18個月大及36個月大則提升至80.01%及90.59%。母親自覺勝任母職角色之程度對嬰幼兒行為動作發展速度之影響最鉅,並會影響其是否與嬰幼兒同住及母子相處天數,進而影響行為動作之發展速度。父子相處天數同樣會影響嬰幼兒行為動作發展之速度,然父職角色會透過父子相處天數進而影響嬰幼兒行為動作之發展速度。中介因素中以「雙親是否與嬰幼兒同住」之效果最強。結論:若父母親均能與寶寶同住、母親自覺愈能勝任寶寶之照顧工作、且特別是父親能天天花時間與寶寶相處,將有益於寶寶行為動作之發展。


Abstract Background: Previous studies rarely focused on healthy infants’ motor development, and national birth cohort studies in Taiwan were insufficient. It was known that parent-child interaction has significant influence on infant motor development, and the effect of mother-infant attachment on infants’ development is stronger than father-infant attachment. However, the different mediational effects of mother-infant interaction and father-infant interaction between perceived parenting role and infants’ motor development were ambiguous. The aims of the study were: (1) to understand healthy infants’ motor development in Taiwan; (2) to investigate the effects of parenting role identity, role position and infant care competence on infant motor development; (3) to test the mediation effect of parent-child interaction. Methods: Data were derived from the 1st to the 3rd waves of Taiwan Birth Cohort Study-Pilot Database (TBCS-Pilot). Infants with congenital defect or Catastrophic Illness Card were excluded. The infants were classified into two categories (complete / incomplete development) according to the developmental milestone in 6, 18, or 36 months, respectively. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) and Random effects model were used to clarify the long-term effects, and Aroian test equation of the Sobel test were used to check the mediation effects. Results: The rate of infants who complete development in 6-month was 30.30%, but the rates were increasing in 18-month and 36-month (80.01% and 90.59%, respectively). Mothers’ perceived infant care competence was the most important factor of infants’ motor development, and it was partially mediated through mother-infant interaction. However, fathers’ perceived infant care competence was totally mediated through father-infant interaction on infants’ motor development. Conclusions: Infants’ motor development can be enhanced by living with their parents. Mother’s perceived infant care competence must be strengthened, and father-infant interaction should be emphasized in a daily basis.


Infant motor development parenting parent-child interaction


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