  • 學位論文


The Product Design and Mascot Design of Fu Jen University’s Baseball Team

指導教授 : 楊明津


輔仁大學曾計畫拆除校內棒壘球場並就地蓋起輔大醫院,這影響了輔大學 生們的運動空間,於是由學校社團發起了連署活動來表達同學們的訴求。為了 提升輔大棒球隊整體意象,希望為球隊的整體意象進行加強,將利用問卷及設 計分析創造專有的吉祥物,宣傳輔仁大學泰安棒球隊。 藉由分析國外棒球隊吉祥物的設計特色及造形意象,擬定吉祥物並藉由輔 仁大學泰安棒球隊的特色提出問卷,讓受測者挑選適合輔仁大學意象的吉祥 物,縮小範圍後再進行分析,由於呼應輔仁大學校訓的真善美聖,最後得到的 吉祥物為鴿子。鴿子具有神聖的概念。此外將吉祥物與輔大校園的元素進行結 合,讓整體設計更有特色。除了吉祥物本體的設計,還將產品分為兩大類別: 分別是辦公用品及紀念商品。本創作論文希望藉由分析吉祥物進而規劃相關產 品,並發展出屬於輔大獨特的品牌意象,最後套用在兩種類別的商品,以達到 吸引球迷的效益。


吉祥物 棒球 紀念商品


Fu Jen Catholic University planned to remove the baseball court and to build a hospital instead. Students ran the club which called “The Black Gutter” to fight for their rights. In order to promote the image of FJU baseball team, the unique design that would be related with baseball team’s mascot and products are created for better vision, and it would be proved by the questionnaires and case study which are used in the study. Using questionnaires to pick the ideal mascots for choosing, the mascot is classified into different types for comparison. The mascot turns to be a dove, and it fits with the motto of FJU which is “True, Righteousness, Beauty, Holy”. Moreover, the combination between mascot and characteristics of FJU could make the design stronger and more distinguishable. Besides of the mascot design, the product would be classified into two main categories: one is office stationery and another is souvenir product. This paper means to plan out the whole CIS system after taking analysis of other baseball team’s mascot design, and tries to develop the unique form to apply to the products to achieve in attracting more audiences and supporters of FJU baseball team.


mascot baseball souvenir


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楊恩沛(2016)。角色經濟行銷策略模式研究 - 以熊本熊為例〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0061-2507201613351000
