  • 學位論文


Curriculum Development on the Sustainable Education for College Engineering Majored Students

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


國內大專院校永續發展教育偏重在環境構面,且歸屬於通識課程,佔通識課程學分數比例亦偏低,未將永續發展理念與工程專業領域相鏈結,尚處於工程科系永續發展教育(永續工程教育)之起始階段。而根據國外文獻分析,永續工程教育之理念是使未來的工程師同時具有定量與定性之知識,以系統性思考(Systems Thinking)解決問題,並培養未來的工程師與利害關係人溝通之能力。而永續工程教育推行過程可分為三階段:第一階段為建立永續工程教育核心課程、第二階段為建立永續工程學位,以及第三階段的將永續發展理念融入至各學門的一般專業課程中。 本研究藉由模糊德爾菲法,成功地篩選出永續工程教育基礎課程之核心課程(院共同必修),共計包括十九門課,其中「概念」層面課程之重要度最高,接下來是「技術」層面、「應用」層面,以及「基礎能力」層面的課程。究其原因,乃因核心課程是以永續發展觀念的建立與認識為主。前五門重要課程為:「永續發展介紹」最為重要,而「科技創新與永續發展」、「環境科學與環境變遷」、「生命週期評估」、「環境影響評估」與「企業社會責任」,五門課之重要度相同,並列第二。之後,利用模糊分析層級程序法建立了永續工程學程之開課優先順序,共包括二十六門課程,其中「概念」層面課程之重要度最高,接下來依序為「應用」層面、「技術」層面,以及「基礎能力」層面。前五門重要課程依序為「環境科學與環境變遷」、「生態保育與生物多樣性」、「人口與社會環境永續發展」、「環境化設計」與「科技與環境」,而「環境科學與環境變遷」、「人口與社會環境永續發展」、「生命週期評估」、「企業社會責任」、「環境化設計」、「關鍵性議題與系統性思考」及「溝通技巧」等七門為本研究推薦之永續工程學程必修課程。本研究在資源與時間限制下,未能進行實證研究,建議未來可尋找有意願之國內大專院校,實際推行永續工程教育,以驗證本研究結果之可行性與效用。


In Taiwan, current sustainable education for higher education mainly focuses on environmental aspect, and it is categorized into general knowledge courses. Taiwan’s sustainable engineering education is still at its initilal first stage. From paper review, we found that engineering education must seek to give future engineers an understanding of the qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of their practices and it should also be considered in addressing sustainability which requires a systems thinking approach, and trains students to communicate with multi-stakeholders. There are three stages to incorporate sustainability into traditional engineering education: design a sustainability-oriented core course, developing a possibility to graduate in a sustainable development (SD), and intertwining the concept of sustainable development in all regular disciplinary courses. This study utilized the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) has successfully screened the sustainable-oriented core courses, and the Fuzzy Analystic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to prioritize the importance of different courses in order to propose an sustainable engineering degree program for Taiwanese engineering students. The results of FDM show that: sustainability-oriented core courses include nineteen courses. Conceptual and technological aspects are more important than application and basic ability aspects on sustainability-oriented core courses. It is due to sustainability-oriented core courses should equip students with basic knowledge of sustainable development. “SD Introduction” is the most important sustainability-oriented core course, and the second important courses are “Technological Innovation and SD”, “Environmental Science and Climate Change”, “Life Cycle Assessment”, “Environmental Impact Assessment” and “Corporate Social Responsibility”; and they hold same importance. The results of FAHP show that sustainable engineering degree program includes twenty-six courses. Conceptual courses are more important than application, technological and basic ability courses on sustainable engineering degree program. Five courses are recommended for the sustainable engineering program, they are “Environmental Science and Climate Change”, “Ecological Protection and Biodiversity”, “SD of Population and Social Environment”, “Environmentally-Friendly Design” and “Technology and Environment”. This study recommend seven obligatory courses on sustainable engineering degree program: “Environmental Science and Climate Change”, “SD of Population and Social Environment”, “Life Cycle Assessment”, “Corporate Social Responsibility”, “Environmentally-Friendly Design”, “Critical Issues and Systems Thinking”, and “Communication Skills”. It is suggested that the courses framework established in this study should be tested and to corfirm its suitability and feasibility under Taiwanese education system.


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