  • 學位論文


A Study of Elementary Cram School’s Promotion Decision

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇 耿慶瑞


目前少子化因素造成學子少及各類型之補習班日漸興盛,造成補習班產業競爭相對激烈,雖然每家補習班所竭盡所能改進教學品質與內容,但是所提供的內容都差不多,使得產品的差異性不大,如何順應趨勢、因此成功的促銷、增加補習班人數是迫不及待的。本研究以促銷的角度探討經營管理補習班中影響促銷決策的因素,進而了解重要促銷決策因素,期能將研究成果提供給補習班業者作為參考。 本研究透過Kotle(2003)認定五種促銷決策組合來作為研究構面依據之界定做為補習班促銷決策探討。(如說明): (一)廣告(Advertising):任何由特定提供者給付代價,藉非人員的方式表達及推廣觀念及商品或服務者。 (二)人員銷售(Personal Selling) 以口頭說明的方式與一人或多人的面對面溝 通以達成銷售的目的。 (三)銷售促進(Sales Promotion):「行銷領域中,不同於人員銷售、廣告及公共關係的活動,而是具有刺激消費者購買及提高經銷商效能的作用。 (四)公共關係(Public Relations):乃在出版媒體刊登有關的重要商業新聞,或在廣播、電視及舞台上獲得有力的推薦,使提供者不必付費。 (五) 直接銷售(DirectMarketing)及其他:使用直接的與消費者進行溝通。 瞭解北部地區補習班在促銷策略-「廣告」、「人員銷售」、「銷售促進」、「公共關係」及「直接銷售及其他」等五構面之策略因素權重,其對補習班經營決策時參考方針策略與決策依據。


國小補習班 促銷 促銷決策


Currently fewer low birth rate factors and the type of students cram growing prosperity, resulting in cram school industry is very competitive, although each cram every effort to improve the teaching quality, content, but provide poor quality 都 not many, making the product sex differences are not large, how to adapt to the trend, the success of promotions, increase the number of cram school, and is not to be forced to. In this study, discuss promotional angle operation management cram the factors that influence promotion decisions that bring research results to mention that cram industry reference. In this study, Kotler's defined as a cram promotional strategies discussed. Through the American Marketing Association (American MarketingAssociation) identified four kinds of decision-making tools and promotional interviews with experts direct sales (DirectMarketing) and other tools of five dimensions as a research based (such as a description): 1. Advertising: Any consideration paid by a particular provider, by way of expressing non-staff and marketing concepts and those goods or services. 2. personal selling verbal description of the way with one or more people-to-face communication in order to achieve sales. 3. Sales Promotion: "leading field marketing, different from personal selling, advertising and public relations activities, but has stimulated consumers to purchase and improve dealer performance effect. 4. Public Relations: is the media published in the publication of important business news, or on the radio, television and on stage to obtain a power of recommendation, the provider need not be paid. 5.Direct Marketing and others: Use direct communication with consumers conduct. Learn northern cram in promotional strategy - "advertising", "personal selling", "sales promotion", "public relations" and "direct sales and other" in five dimensions of strategic factor weights, their cram operating decisions reference parties reconnaissance strategy and decision making.


Cram School Promotion Promotion Decision


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