  • 學位論文


The impact of the public arts in urban space-A case study of Very Fun ParkⅡ'contemporary art exhibition in eastern area of Taipei

指導教授 : 宋立垚


本研究動機乃基於近年來公共藝術在台灣成為一個廣為建築界、藝術界及企業界關注的領域,在經過進一步的了解過後,發現長久以來一般社會大眾對公共藝術的刻板觀念,似乎認為公共藝術就是擺在街頭上的「雕塑」,同時在相關法令中對於公共藝術之定義較為狹隘,侷限了多數人對公共藝術的認識,導致許多公共藝術作品呈現形式呆板而僵化。 公共藝術在於台灣已歷經一段時期的發展,在思維上已逐漸發展出更廣域的解讀,且其藝術的呈現方式已超越原先對公共藝術的定義,例如:2007年富邦藝術基金會於台北市東區舉辦的「粉樂町II-台北東區當代藝術展」,即提供了許多新的構想,且頗受市民歡迎與肯定。本研究欲藉剖析該次展覽理念,並收集相關文獻及理論,同時藉由現況調查及與相關人士深入訪談,探討公共藝術在城市空間中展現的另一種可能性。 研究發現進入21世紀的城市,經濟已不再是衡量一個城市發達與否的唯一標準,文化逐漸成為城市的核心要素,藝術開始走向更廣大的人群,走向生活本身,公共藝術應與整個城市生活有更深層的融合,例如:粉樂町Ⅱ讓藝術走出美術館與人群接觸,結合城市空間與市民生活,產生新的對話關係,進而藉由公共藝術引發市民對社區、對環境之關注。以作為日後相關單位推動公共藝術設置於城市空間中之另一種思考。


The motive of this research is that the public arts are widely accepted by building trade, art and business in Taiwan within these years. After further understanding, people thought that public art is “sculpture” on the street. At the same time, the definition of public art was narrow in the related law, therefore, limited most people’s thought to the public art. So the present form of public art was dull. Public art in Taiwan has been developed for a period of time and it gradually develops broader explanation in thinking, and the forms of arts have been overtaken the original definition of public art. For example, ” Very Fun ParkⅡ’Contemporary Art Exhibition in Eastern Area of Taipei”, organized by the Fubon Art Foundation in 2007. The exhibition provided a lot of new ideas and received positive reaction of the residents. This research analysed the concept of Very Fun ParkⅡ, and review related literature and theory, then finding another possibility of public art in urban space by field research and in-depth interview. It is discovered that economy is not the only standard to judge that a city is prosper or not in the 21st century, but the culture of an essential factor to a city. Art begin to reach out to people and their lives, and public art should deeply combine with the city. For example,”Very Fun ParkⅡ”is a museum that is everywhere all at once, combined the space of city and people’s life. Then the residents pay more attention to the subjects of community and environment by seeing public art. By understanding the essential needs, we are able to propose an alternative solution of the public art in urban space in the future.


Public Art Very Fun ParkⅡ Urban space


[50]吳良鏞等 編著,城市環境美學,台北:地景企業股份有限公司,1993。


朱欣儀(2013)。藝術介入空間之觀察與研究— 藝術介入空間之觀察與研究—以臺北當代藝術館〈地下實驗‧創意秀場〉計畫為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2013.00298
