  • 學位論文

從唯識觀點探討佛教寺院空間之配置 -以法鼓山、佛光山、中台禪寺、靈鷲山為例

A Study for the Space Layout of Buddhism temple from Vijñapti-Mātratā Viewpoint -Examples of Dharma Drum Mountain﹐Chung-tai Temple﹐Fo Guang Shan and Ling Jiou Mountain

指導教授 : 彭光輝


印度原始佛教,初期無任何建築形式。佛陀入滅後,寺院雛形,以「塔寺」為主。早期中國佛寺,是無規制,常有「捨宅為寺」的情形。南北朝佛寺,是以「前塔後殿」為主。初唐之時,《戒壇圖經》的附圖,始將塔殿倒置,以「佛殿」為主;唐代之後大都用佛教宇宙空間觀,作建造雛形,及中軸、明堂院落為主,以象徵佛國淨土的建立。唐代中期有禪寺與叢林的興起,形制是民居樣式。在台灣日領時期,傳入日式佛教的法脈,建造日式佛寺。而台灣佛教其源流,大都來自福建,目前現地傳統佛寺,可分幾種形式:1、閩南式2、齋教式3、日本內地或移植衍生式4、民俗式5、西洋歐式。法鼓山的建築群,部份受中土禪寺的影響。關於佛光山、中台禪寺的空間配置,則完全依照傳統佛教宇宙空間思維而組織的,所不同是中台禪寺,空間組織是集中處理,採高樓垂直化。靈鷲山則間接承襲中國佛寺配置方法。法鼓山、中台禪寺、靈鷲山配置受地形、地勢影響很大。 有關於心境、環境與修行法門重點,呈現在個案的空間配置裡頭包括有:1、在空間組織方面來說,法鼓山宗風,是以禪宗「本來面目」呈現空間特質;佛光山以兜率天「清淨天國」與彌勒降生娑婆世界的「人間淨土」為空間特性;中台禪寺則以「由凡至聖」次第分位關係,呈現空間性質;靈鷲山則是「次第修行」呈現。2、所要呈現心境、修行來說,法鼓山是以禪宗「頓悟法門」為要旨;佛光山、中台禪寺、靈鷲山,則用「次第法門」的漸修法,成就無上菩提。3、空間環境方面;法鼓山是以「心淨則國土淨」,佛光山、中台禪寺是以「十善業道」為基礎,成就「自心淨土與佛境地」;靈鷲山則以「念身法門」為次第。


Buddhism originated from India. In the beginning it did not involve any specific architectural forms. After the passing of Buddha, Buddhism temples were mainly pagodas. Early Buddhism temples in China did not follow any particular architectural codes. Residences were often dedicated as temples. During the South-and-North Dynasties, Buddhism temples were erected after the “pagoda-front-sanctuary-back” format. The attached picture of the Sila of Altar of Iconographic Sutra in Tang Dynasty for the first time switched the positions of the pagoda and the sanctuary, making “Buddha’s Sanctuary” the main structure of the temple. Following the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism temples were mostly after Buddhism’s concept of the universe. The central axis and the sanctuary court became the center pieces, which signified the establishment of the Buddhism kingdom. Zen temples and forests emerged during mid-Tang Dynasty. The format was mainly residential. During the Japanese reign, the tenet of Japanese Buddhism was introduced and Japanese-style Buddhism temples were built. Taiwanese Buddhism originated mainly from Fujien Province. At present Buddhism temples can be divided into several types: 1.Southern Fujien style; 2.Vegetarian’s style; 3.Local Japanese style or those transplanted from Japan; 4.Folklore style; 5.Western style. Part of Dharma Drum Mountain building clusters were Chinese style. The space layouts of Fo Guang Shan and Chung-tai Temple were organized completely after Buddhism’s concept of the universe. The difference is that in Chung-tai Temple the space is centralized vertically in a high-rise building. Ling Jiou Mountain indirectly inherits the layout of Chinese Buddhism temples. The layouts of Dharma Drum Mountain, Chung-tai Temple and Ling Jiou Mountain have been greatly affected by topographic features. The space layouts of the case subjects about mental state characteristics, the environment and main tenets contain: 1. In terms of space organization, the spatial features of Dharma Drum Mountain are presented through the “Primary features”of Zen Buddhism. The spatial features of Fo Guang Shan are demonstrated via Tushita’s “Uncontaminated Heaven” and the “Heaven on Earth” as a result of Maitreya’s birth on earth. In Chung-tai Temple, the hierarchical order of “from the ordinary to the saint” shows the spatial characteristics. In Ling Jiou Mountain it is the demonstration of “to practice Buddhist in order.” 2. In terms of the practices and mental states to be represented, Dharma Drum Mountain centers on Zen Buddhism’s “sudden realization;” Fo Guang Shan, Chung-tai Temple and Ling Jiou Mountain teach “step-by-step practices” for attaining the ultimate bodhi. 3. In terms of spatial environment, Dharma Drum Mountain is based on the concept that “the land will be purified if the mind is purified;” Fo Guang Shan and Chung-tai Temple teach attainment of the stage of “pure land of self-mind and the spiritual region of Buddha” through “ten good deeds;” Ling Jiou Mountain is based on “an initial approach to become a Buddhist believer of contemplation of the body.”


[109] 大唐窺基撰,經疏部33,般若波羅蜜多心經幽贊,卷下


