  • 學位論文


A Study of Carbon Footprint Analysis for Wastewater Reuse in Water Treatment Plants

指導教授 : 張添晉


基於溫室氣體所造成全球暖化與氣候變遷的效應日益明顯,以及台灣水資源短缺與低碳社會之國際環保趨勢,近年為尋求減碳空間與成效,以碳足跡計算碳排放之現況;目前國際社會對於減碳工作之推動重點,均以排放量大之行業著手(例:電力業、農業、製造業、運輸業等),期獲得最大之成效,至於水資源於淨水場方面,由於相較之下之碳排量少,國際針對淨水場碳排多為初步調查,故淨水場碳排放為值得探討之議題,並由於臺灣水資源的缺乏,其回收廢水回用程序更顯其重要性,台灣自來水公司回用廢水淨水場程序早已行之有年,本研究針對自來水公司之廢水回用之處理程序,進行溫室氣體盤查,完成碳排數據之計算,其數據可供國內淨水場未來推動節能減碳及相關能源改善策略之參考,以利求取尋求減碳空間與成效。 本研究首先回顧文獻國內淨水場廢水及污泥程序處理現況,以及國際間現行碳足跡計算準則與利用碳足跡計算方式探討淨水場碳排放案例分析,參照文獻基礎挑選2座具有代表性之淨水場,研究淨水場廢水回用、污泥處理程序之碳足跡盤查與減碳策略,以100年各場豐、枯水期進行實際盤查基礎期程研究結果顯示,碳排放量與總排放量之比例。 本研究將廢水回用及污泥處理程序各排放源數據蒐集、數據予以量化計算,據分析結果建立該流程碳排放之基本資料,作為各淨水場實場驗證之依據,另分別能資源、耗材、基礎建設等排放源碳排放源特性之探討,最後綜合國內、外節能相關改善策略,以利進行減量工作,最後提出淨水場提昇廢水與污泥程序可減少處理能源消耗之結論與建議。


Due to the growing evidence of global warming and climate change affected by greenhouse gases, as well as the shortage of water supply in Taiwan and the international trend for low carbon emission society, to seek for the reduction in carbon emission and effect in recent years, at the moment calculation of emission is done through the Carbon Footprint. The main focus of promotion of the international society reduction in carbon emission initiative begins from large scale industries such as electricity, agriculture, production, transportation and so on, which expects to have the largest effect. As for the water purification plant of the water resources, due to less carbon emission, international investigation is mainly preliminary. Thus, the carbon emission on water purification is an important issue worth discussing. Due to the shortage in water resources in Taiwan, water recycling procedure seem more important. The procedure for the re-use of waste water of the Taiwan Water Corporation has been in operation for many years. This research focus on the procedure for the re-use of waste water of the Taiwan Water Corporation to conduct greenhouse gas interrogation and complete the calculation of carbon emission data. This data can be used as a reference for the promotion of lower emission and energy saving as well as the related improvement on energy policy in the future for domestic water purification plants. Such is also beneficial for the search for the space of lower carbon emission and effect. This study first review the literature with regards to the current processing situation of waste water and sludge procedure of domestic water purifying plants. The literature review also extends to the current international protocol for carbon footprint calculation and the use of carbon footprint calculation method to investigate and analyze the carbon emission of water purifying plants. Based on the literature, two representative water purifying plants were selected to study the reuse of waste water, the carbon footprint interrogation for sludge processing procedure and carbon emission reduction strategy. The data is based on the 2011 the actual interrogation statistic of the wet and dry season and the total carbon emission ratio. This study gathers various emission data on the reuse of waste water and sludge processing procedure for quantitative analysis. From the result, basic data on the carbon emission of such procedure is constructed as the basis of verification of the water purifying plant. Categorization of energy, supply materials, and infrastructure construction of the characteristics of various sources of carbon emission are discussed. Finally, amalgamating overseas and domestic related improvement strategies for the emission reduction initiative. Later, put forward the conclusion and recommendation on how can water purification plant improve waste water and mud processing procedure to reduce the energy wasted for the process.


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