  • 學位論文


The Design Thinking Model of Eastern Apply in Alpinia Zerumbet Weaving

指導教授 : 陳殿禮 張若菡


本創作以內容分析法解析《易經》、《老子》與《莊子》之東方思維,藉以建構文化產品設計模式;首先經由《易經》之「道」、「器」二元論與卦象生成理念,作為產品生成之方法;而後以《老子》與《莊子》思維定義「道」、「器」涵義,「道」涵義有「內容意涵」、「寄意傳達」與「心情感受」;「器」則為「造形」、「材質」與「功能」;其次設定一完整卦象之下卦為設計來源物、上卦為載體,產品之載體發展方向,共有四項,分別為「定形」、「偏定形」、「偏不定形」、「不定形」,而上、下卦組合可構成六十四種卦象,依據其「道」、「器」組成比例,可用X軸與Y軸之軸向圖表示,並分成十六區域,分別代表不同條件下產品生成之方向。 本創作以「月桃編織」為設計主題,經由田野調查法、訪談法與內容分析法整理相關資料,並應用設計模式進行發展;首先將上述資料進行「道」、「器」分析使涵義產出;其次選擇來源物涵義,以及選擇載體發展方向並填入涵義;而後將來源物涵義與載體涵義相應形成語句;最後產出三項產品:(1) 椅凳-『「傳承」』:以實用的裝載功能與平面樣貌的承載功能進行設計;(2) 座椅與椅套-「呵護」:以嬰兒蓆的包覆樣貌呈現舒服的感覺,進行轉化設計;(3) 手環-「套環」:以樸實的裝飾功能與包覆樣貌的保護功能進行設計。


This research construct the model of cultural product design by using the Content Analysis to analyze the thinking of the Eastern included “Yiching”, “Laotzu”, and “Chuangtzu”. First, regard the thinking of “Tao, Chi” and “the generation of divinatory symbols” as the way to design products. Second, define the meanings of “Tao, Chi” by “Laotzu” and “Chuangtzu”. The meaning of “Tao” includes “content of meaning”, “convey the meaning”, and “mood”; the meaning of “Chi” includes “shape”, “material”, and “function”. Third, regard the top of divinatory symbol as the source for design, and regard the bottom of divinatory symbol as the directions included “shaped”, “partial shaped”, “partial unshaped”, “unshaped” for products to develop. There are sixty-fourth divinatory symbols represent the concept of X-axis and Y-axis by the composition ratio of “Tao”, “Chi”, and divided into sixteen regions, those are representing the products generated under different conditions. This design model is focus on “Alpinia Zerumbet Weaving”. The researcher collected and collated relevant information by Field Observation, Interviews and Content Analysis; then applied information into this design model. First, using the information to analyze “Tao, Chi” meanings of Alpinia Zerumbet Weaving. Second, select the meanings of source for design and product developments; then compose the two meanings to create the sentences. Finally, create the three innovative products:(1) Inheritance: using useful load function and beard function to design the bench. (2) Cherish: using the primitive matting for baby to design a chair and a seat cover. (3) Bangle: using simple appearance and protection to design a bangle, and it is also the cup sleeve.


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