  • 學位論文


A Study of Design and Fabrication of MEMS Probe Card by CMOS-MEMS Processes

指導教授 : 黃榮堂


本研究利用0.35μm CMOS-MEMS製程設計出具備矽晶穿孔封裝結構的懸臂式探針卡,並且結合CMOS製程既有的多層內連接金屬層增加佈線的方便性,進一步可納入線路補償的被動元件或訊號處理電路於佈局之中,增加測量訊號的頻寬與品質。 目前為止,微機電技術製作探針卡的設計存在著許多缺點,包括接觸力太小、位移行程不足等,因此,每個獨立探針無法有效的刺穿金屬電極板表面的氧化層,進而降低測試的可靠度。本研究成功製作出邊長70μm、深度150μm的矽晶穿孔模型,並且以電鑄的方式填充銅金屬,當作內連線。並利用類LIGA厚膜光阻製程技術及無電解電鍍技術,沉積鎳使探針懸臂厚度增加來加強支撐懸臂的強度。其探針結構設計為S形結構,材料為四層鋁金屬,探針寬度20μm,懸臂樑總長度為240μm,當探針懸臂經過無電鍍鎳增加28μm,並經研磨製程提升共面度,最後藉由ICP釋放探針結構,成功的製作出一體成型之微探針結構,並且量測得到最大接觸力量為83mN。


In the study, we use 0.35μm CMOS-MEMS to design cantilever probe card, with through-silicon interconnections for IC testing. CMOS process provides multi-layer interconnections, which could assist the connection between the probe head the external devices, and reduce the difficulty of wiring layout. In addition, passive components or circuits could be integrated with the CMOS chip to improve the frequency bandwidth and measuring quality. Still, many defects have existed in the MEMS fabrication of the probe card, which involves low contact force, short overdrive, complex process steps, and poor reliability and etc. Thus, the poor measurements would result from the problem that each single probe can not break through the oxidation on metal electrodes. The study successfully shows the fabrication of TSV model with the volume of 70 x 70 x 150 (μm3). The model was electroformed with copper as interconnections. Furthermore, LIGA-like process and electroless plating were adopted to deposit Nickel on probes to increase the strength of probes. The shape of probes was designed as S-like structure, which consisted of four layers of Aluminums. Also, the size of probes was with the width of 20μm and the length of 240μm. By using electroless plating, the thickness of probes increased within 28μm, and the probes were followed by polishing process to achieve the surface coplanarity. At last, the probes were released by ICP to complete the micro probes. Also the maximum contact force was measured at 83mN.


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