  • 學位論文


Design of K-Band VCO and Research on Bonding-Wire Model

指導教授 : 王多柏


在無線通訊系統中,壓控振盪器是不可或缺的關鍵性元件。因此,如何設計具有低相位雜訊與寬頻調整範圍的壓控振盪器是一個值得探討的重點。另外,使用在射頻電路的鎊線模型也是本論文的研究重點。 本論文中的壓控振盪器是使用台積電 0.18-um CMOS製程來設計與實現。本論文研究的重點分為四大部分,第一部份介紹振盪器的應用,並討論LC振盪器的原理。第二部份提出一個低電壓、低功耗與寬頻調整範圍的LC交錯耦合振盪器,利用變容器回授,達到低相位雜訊與增加寬頻調整範圍之目標。由量測結果顯示,此壓控振盪器在中心頻率24.68 GHz偏移1 MHz 處具有 -112.53 dBc/Hz的相位雜訊,振盪頻率可從20.5 GHz調整到24.68 GHz,具有18.34 %頻率調整範圍。核心電壓0.6 V時,直流功率僅消耗2.28 mW,此晶片的面積僅有665 × 665 um2。第三部份探討向量網路分析儀所造成之誤差,並使用自製SOLT校準套件校準向量網路分析儀之誤差。第四部份是量測不同長度的鎊線,並建立其等效模型,利用π模型萃取出鎊線的參數值,並改良π模型增加鎊線模型的使用頻寬。


K-Band 壓控振盪器 鎊線模型


In communication systems, voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is important building blocks. Therefore, to design a VCO with low phase noise and wide-tuning range is important. In addition, this thesis also research on bonding-wire model for RF circuit applications. In this thesis, a voltage-controlled oscillator is designed and implemented in TSMC 0.18-um CMOS process technology. Thesis research can be divided into four parts. The first part introduces the application of oscillators and discusses the theory of LC-tank VCO. A low voltage, low power and wide-tuning range voltage-controlled oscillator is presented in second part. By employing varactor feedback, the tuning mechanism is extend and improved the phase noise. Based on the proposed architecture, the measured phase noise is -112.53 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset from 24.68-GHz oscillation frequency, the oscillation frequency can be varied from 20.53 GHz to 24.68 GHz, and the measured tuning range is 18.34%. Operating at 0.6-V supply voltage, the VCO core consumes 2.28-mW dc power. The overall chip size including the test pad is 665 × 665 um2. The third part discusses errors of measurement in vector network analyzer, and the SOLT calibration kits are used to calibrate it. In the last part, the bonding wire model is developed base on π-model which converted from two-port network. The π-model accurately captures bonding wire characteristics beyond the self-resonant frequency.


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