  • 學位論文


Application of Hardware-In-the-Loop for Development of Engine Management System

指導教授 : 吳浴沂


當前國內為數一千三百多萬輛的機車每年所造成的油耗及污染不容忽視,欲改善此問題,當務之急便是開發能以噴射供油準確地控制燃油量,而提升小型引擎效率的引擎管理系統(EMS)。然而在國內機車產業中,此技術尚在萌芽階段,雖已有產品商品化,但仍存在許多問題。因引擎運轉時為複雜且非線性的動態行為,需考量許多變異參數,故開發一套在各種情況下皆能完善控制引擎的系統並不容易,且EMS完成後也必須經過冗長的實車測試才能進入量產階段。為了改善上述問題,本文以HIL即時模擬技術作為開發EMS之平台,將PC Based引擎控制器置於迴路中,並搭配虛擬引擎及虛擬整車受控模型作為前置性的發展流程,在控制系統尚未實體化前,提前了解控制策略效果,以進一步設計改良。此法在以往所欠缺的是一個可靠且詳盡的小型引擎受控模型,故本文將以一套包含氣流動態與燃燒中汽缸壓力變化的非線性125cc引擎動態模型與整車模型,並以即時狀態進行模擬。有別於以往噴油點火每轉皆作動的噴射系統,本控制器更利用曲軸轉速差完成行程判別功能,在缺少凸輪軸感知器時噴油點火控制仍可每兩轉分別作動一次,以達準確控制引擎目的。為了加強控制系統強健性,並加入卡爾曼濾波器,以抵抗引擎運轉時可能會干擾齒訊的雜訊,除分別在離線(Off-Line)模擬與HIL 即時模擬驗證外,最後利用實車引擎送出齒訊來證實控制器效果。藉此平台發展出引擎控制策略並縮短EMS 的開發時程。


The large population of motorcycles in Taiwan causes lots of fuel consumption and pollution. The most promising solution is to design an engine management system (EMS), which can control the engine precisely and improve the efficiency via fuel injection. Nowadays this technology is still under developing, there are some problems to be solved. Furthermore, the dynamic response of engine is a complex and nonlinear behaviour. It is difficult to develop an EMS that can control engine perfectly during various operating situations. Prototype of EMS must be tested on real motorcycles repeatedly before mass production. The purpose of this paper is to design a Hardware In the Loop (HIL) platform for EMS development, which combines xPC target real-time simulator and PC based controller. A 125cc 4-stroke engine model that included the calculation of combustion pressure is employed to be control plant. Compare with previous EMS of motorcycle, the proposed controller can send fuel injection and spark ignition control signal every two revolutions accurately via stroke identification method. During the engine running period, perhaps the ignition coil or other electric equipment will conduct noise that interference crankshaft tooth signal. Therefore, a Kalman filter is designed to improve the robustness of controller. Under interference, the performance of proposed controller is much satisfied than that without Kalman filter. Finally, a real engine is used to verify the controller by real tooth signal.


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