  • 學位論文


Applying Six Sigma Approach in Testing Verification Process – A case study of M Company

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


本文主要目的在探討伺服器主機板驗證流程的改善,因伺服器產品在研發設計時程較長且難度高,故在品質測試驗證上需要有比較嚴苛的驗證流程,以確保產品品質在量產後不會因為設計問題沒有被檢驗出來而造成生產良率不佳、客訴等等問題,在確保品質的同時也能夠縮短測試驗證的時程以以及降低研發成本。   應用六標準差步驟來分析及改善驗證流程的不穏定因素,運用六標準差品質系統的手法(DMAIC),即定義、衡量、分析、改善和控制等5大步驟,憑藉著其手法來加以防範不良及錯誤再發生,進而改善無論進行任何專案,都可以將錯誤減到最低,最終建構一套解決問題、提升流程能力的架構系統,使流程能力提升可以符合顧客各種需求,並持續追求改善與成果保持。


This thesis investigates server board verification process, because the research and design process for server products is long and complex, quality testing and certification is necessary maintain a relatively stringent verification process. To ensure the quality of mass-produced products will not be hindered by the design process resulting in poor production yields, customer compliant etc. it is necessary to ensure quality while shortening production schedules and reducing development costs. Application of the Six Sigma steps to analyze and improve the validation process for unstable factors and the use of the Six Sigma quality system approach (DMAIC) which define measure, analyze, improve and control the other five major steps of the production process provide techniques to prevent the recurrence of adverse results and errors. By applying these steps, project errors may be kept to a minimum and ultimately solution can be devised to improve process capability and system architecture to a level that can meet customers’ needs, while continuing to pursue improvements and positive results.


Six Sigma DMAIC


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