  • 學位論文


A Study of Promote the Reduction of Automobile Shredder Residues (ASR)

指導教授 : 張添晉


我國從1998年推動資源回收四合一以來,已公告可回收之物品及容器多達13大類33項,每一項均有其相對應之回收處理技術及管道,且後端再利用去化管道亦尚可稱順暢。經觀察,廢機動車輛之廢車殼經粉碎分類處理廠拆解後,最終剩餘之ASR可能隱含有危害物質未妥善處理,若能從源頭控制減量,細分選資源回收物質予以再利用,提高資源再利用價值,則所剩下之ASR成分將更為單純,有利後續再利用處理,期降低焚化與掩埋的環境污染負荷。 廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理殘餘物(Automobile Shredder Residues,ASR)係為廢車殼經粉碎分類後,所殘留下之不可回收資源物質;本研究藉由蒐集國內外廢機動車輛回收處理體系現況、法規管理情形等基本資料,分析廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理後之ASR來源及組成成分,與調查廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理廠相關營運資料及處理設備狀況後,運用成本效益中方案評估法,建立ASR減量模型,並經比較試算,對國內現有廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理廠提出減量設備之建議方案,期以作為ASR減量措施參考。 本研究設定以ASR產出比率減量至20%為假設條件,進行處理廠相關設備增設之效益試算,結果顯示增設「磁選系統」、「顆粒滾筒篩」及「渦電流分選機」等減量設備可充分提升廢車殼拆解後之各項資源物質分選比率,達到預期ASR減量之精進效果,同時符合環保及經濟效益。因此廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理廠,可藉由減量設備之功能性與購置經費作為減量方案之選擇,業者可進一步依其產業方向與對環境維護之願景,進行更周延與更經濟之減量設備系統規劃。


A number of 33 items and containers under 13 categories have been announced as recyclable by Taiwan’s government in 1998 since it launched the four-in-one recycling scheme. Specific recycling technologies are applied to each of above accordingly, and the reuse works afterwards are carried out smoothly as well. However, according to some observations, Automobile Shredder Residues (ASR) produced after abandoned vehicles are dismantled, crushed, and classified, may possess potential hazardous materials. If the number of such residues can be reduced, and the reusable materials can be chosen more carefully in order to create a higher value for the reusable resources, the ASR remained will be therefore easily utilized for future processing. This will also reduce the burden derived from incineration and landfill on the environment. As mentioned above, ASR can be defined as the unrecyclable residues remained after abandoned vehicles are shredded and categorized. Through collecting the information about the recycling systems in various countries as well as about the related administrative rules, this paper analyzes the ASR resources and components of the abandoned automobiles, and investigates into the administration and equipment of the factories dealing with the vehicles. Meanwhile, the method of cost-effectiveness is adopted to set up a model for reduce of ASR. Suggestions on equipment for factories to reduce ASR are also provided. The paper assumes that if the quantity of ASR is to be reduced by 20%, an introduction of devices such as magnetic processing systems, dotted drum sieves, and eddy current separators indeed helps raise the separating rates of distinguished resources from the shredded vehicles. This will not only effectively reduce the number of ASR but also bring about environmental and economic benefits. With the findings of the research, it finally suggests that the factories can introduce the equipment that helps reduce ASR as well as cost as alternatives, and the operators can introduce a better solution for reduction of ASR with the hope that our environment is simultaneously preserved.


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