  • 學位論文


A System Dynamics Model for Maintenance Inventory Management of Reverse Logistics - Taking Motherboard Industry as Example

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


世界經濟快速整合,企業競爭跨越國界,板卡產業是目前台灣主要的高科技產業之一。板卡業所面臨的是國際化的競爭,業者須具備優良的運籌能力才能面對嚴苛的挑戰。本研究從逆向物流之觀點,重新審視產業的運作,經文獻及廠商專訪,建構板卡產業之逆向物流維修庫存系統,為深入了解廠商逆向物流營運模式,訪談供應鏈中具代表性的業者,探討中心廠之備料策略,如何在庫存考量之下,兼顧顧客滿意度。 由於系統動態模擬在面臨變數與變數之間複雜的關係時,可透過關係式的構建,來預測整個系統運作,因此本研究整理相關文獻、並實際與國內板卡業者進行深度訪談,整理出對於維修庫存及顧客滿意度造成影響之逆向物流變數因子與系統輸入資料,運用動態模擬策略之運作情況,建構出板卡產業動態逆向物流系統,進而對相關廠商提出維修物流策略及建議,提供業者嶄新的維修庫存策略。 本研究提出兩種策略─拉式備料策略與推式備料策略,利用系統動態模擬兩種策略對板卡產業維修庫存及顧客滿意度的影響,幫助企業權衡何種策略較利於施行與應用。實驗結果顯示推式備料策略不論在維修庫存量(HQ庫存與RMA庫存)的表現,或是顧客滿意的程度都優於拉式備料策略,提供企業未來對於備料規劃上有所參考。且由維修失敗率與再生率兩因子對於庫存的關聯性,協助企業釐清維修能力之掌控,修正並改善問題,進而影響庫存數量,降低企業成本,增進企業獲利能力。


With the global economy change rapidly and competitions of cross-country, the motherboard industry, the major high-tech one in Taiwan, has faced the globalization making enterprises to reinforce logistics ability to compete against strict challenges. This study takes a viewpoint of reverse logistics to explore the operations of the industry and to structure a maintenance inventory management system through the literature survey and the expert interview. In order to deeply understand the business model of reverse logistics, we select an enterprise to discuss the material planning policy and take the inventory issue into account to observe the customer satisfaction. Due to the characteristics of SD (System Dynamics) Simulation, this research firstly studies the related literature and gives the variable factors, affecting the spare parts inventory and the customer satisfaction. Secondly, proposes two material planning strategy- pull and push, to build the reverse logistics system of the motherboard industry. Finally, applies SD to simulate and explain the effect on both spare parts inventory and customer satisfaction, and offers enterprises the better spare part strategy and the analytic suggestion. The result of experiment showing the push material planning strategy is better than pull one in both indictors- customer satisfaction and spare parts inventory (HQ and RMA), can give reference of the material planning to enterprises in the future. Furthermore, relations of the failure rate and the recycling rate towards inventory would assist business in clarifying the detail of policy and increasing the profit.


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