  • 學位論文


The outcomes of exercise-induced asthma education program in patients with asthma

指導教授 : 鄭 綺


本研究主要的目的是在探討成人氣喘患者對運動誘發性氣喘的認知、預防和處理運動誘發性氣喘之自我效能及行為,以及身體活動狀態;建立一套合適的教材給予衛教,並探討此套衛教教材的成效。研究採實驗設計法(experimental design) 、立意取樣,於南部某醫學中心胸腔科門診進行資料收集,資料收集時間為90年3月1日至90年6月15日,共有57位符合條件的個案隨機分配至實驗組29人,控制組28人。 研究結果顯示(一)運動誘發性氣喘(exercise-induced asthma;EIA)認知、身體活動狀態及EIA預防及處理行為自我效能均屬中上程度,EIA預防及處理行為屬中等程度。(二) 運動誘發性氣喘衛教確實可有效改善氣喘患者EIA認知程度、身體活動狀態、EIA預防及處理行為自我效能及行為。(三)預防及處理行為得分與預防及處理行為自我效能得分呈正相關;身體活動得分與性別、年齡及氣喘開始年齡呈負相關;EIA預防及處理行為自我效能得分與目前有使用氣管擴張劑呈正相關;EIA認知得分差與EIA處理行為自我效能得分差及身體活動得分差呈正相關。身體活動得分差與EIA處理行為自我效能得分差呈正相關。 本研究結果支持運動誘發性氣喘衛教有其效益,可提供臨床護理人員參考及應用。


The purposes of the study were to explore the EIA knowledge, self —efficacy of prevent and management EIA, preventive and management EIA behavior, and physical activities, as well as to build up an education program and test its outcomes. Experiment design and purposive sampling were utilized. The study was conducted from March 2001 to June 2001, at the outpatient department of a southern Taiwan medical center. Fifty-seven patients with asthma were randomly allocated to an experimental group (n=29), or control group (n=28). Results were as follows:(1) The score of EIA knowledge, self —efficacy of preventive and management EIA, and physical activities were moderate to high. Preventive and management EIA behaviors were at a moderate level. (2) The experimental group showed a significant improvement in EIA knowledge, self —efficacy of preventive and management EIA, preventive and management EIA behaviors, and physical activities. (3) The correlation between independent variables and demographic data revealed a positive correlation between self —efficacy of prevent and management EIA and behavior of prevent and management EIA. There was a negative correlation between physical activities and gender, age and beginning age of asthma. There was a positive correlation between self —efficacy of prevent and management EIA and use of a bronchia dilator. The study result could support the outcomes of Exercise-induced Asthma Education Program and provide for clinical nurses.


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