  • 學位論文


Effect of Soy Protein and Casein on Renal Function in Partially Nephrectomized Rats

指導教授 : 陳俊榮


本研究將SD大白鼠以外科手術方式切除六分之五的腎臟模擬慢性腎衰竭模式,比較不同量的大豆蛋白與動物性蛋白對於慢性腎衰竭大白鼠殘存腎功能的影響,探討以大豆蛋白取代傳統低蛋白飲食中的動物性蛋白質的可能性,及以大豆蛋白取代動物性蛋白後是否能增加慢性腎衰竭飲食中的蛋白質攝取量,以改善低蛋白飲食缺乏飽足感及不易獲得足夠熱量的缺點,使得慢性腎衰竭治療飲食易於實行,以有效延緩腎衰竭的進行。 實驗動物分別給予20%酪蛋白、10%酪蛋白、20%大豆蛋白及10%大豆蛋白四種飼料,各組飼料除蛋白質的種類與量的比例不同外,其餘熱量、脂肪、維生素及礦物質等皆相同。結果發現:慢性腎衰竭初期無論是否降低蛋白質的攝取,大豆蛋白皆能維持較佳的血漿白蛋白濃度,在改善營養狀態及血脂異常與降低含氮廢物累積上有正面的影響。低大豆蛋白飲食延緩腎衰竭的程度與動物性蛋白質相同。在未限制蛋白質攝取量時,以大豆蛋白取代動物性蛋白後,仍可延緩腎衰竭的進行,但程度不如低蛋白飲食。


Dietary protein restriction is known to be beneficial in the preservation of renal function on chronic renal failure. And soy protein has been shown to exhibit absent increase or mild decrease the glomerular filtration rate compared to animal protein. The objective of this experiment was to examine the effect of different quantity and quality of dietary protein intake on renal function and structure in rats with 5/6-nephrectomy chronic renal failure. Experimental animals were subjected to nephrectomy and fed ether casein or soya, at 20 or 10% levels. The diets were isocaloric with identical fat, sodium, potassium and phosphorus contents. The rats with chronic renal failure ingesting 10% casein and soya diets both reduce the rate of decrease renal function compared to 20% casein diet as established by plotting the reciprocal of plasma creatinine versus time. And 10% soya diet demonstrated increase serum albumin, falls in serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations and decreases blood urea nitrogen, but 10% casein diet significantly increase serum triglyceride. This study indicates that low soy protein diets improved nutritional status, plasma lipids and decrease the progression of chronic renal failure in rats. And unrestriction soy protein was associated with decrease the progression of chronic renal failure compare to animal-source protein in partially nephrectomized rats but reduce the rate of decrease renal function was prominent in protein restriction.


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