  • 學位論文


The discuss and design of operational model in Electronic Commerce

指導教授 : 張百棧 博士


一般而言,凡是雙方以電腦透過網路進行交易者均可稱為『電子商務』(Electronic Commerce)。藉由網際網路的掘起,改變了傳統經濟體系中的價值系統,不論是『企業對企業電子商務系統』、『企業對顧客電子商務系統』、『顧客對企業電子商務系統』、『顧客對顧客電子商務系統』莫不面臨重大的變革。 隨著電子商務的盛行,有越來越多的產業相繼投入這個領域之中,包括一些傳統通路的知名廠商。網際網路上的電子商務並不止建立另一個通路,且重新定義了各個產業在網路上的價值,更重要的是創造出屬於電子商務獨有的遊戲規則。 因此本研究擬運用網際網路機基礎並結合資料庫及安全傳輸等技術為背景,在『企業對企業電子商務系統』下建立一網路花店的個案分析。本研究主要內容包括訂單交易處理、動態網頁技術、ODBC資料庫、連線技術及資料傳輸安全等主題。希望藉由此系統,能將花店的營運成本降至最低。


Recently,a new way of transection through the Internet by computer named Electronic Commerce.The value creation process of traditional economy has been significantly affected in the information age by the increasing usage of Internet. Not only the "business to business electronic commerce system" "business to business electronic commerce system","business to business electronic commerce system","business to business electronic commerce system" , but the complete industrial value structure has been changed in this new business era. As the electronic commerce(EC) is winning it’s popularity, more and more industries, including some famous retailers are devoted to this area. EC creates another distribution channel, redefines the value of each industry online, and most important of all, sets up the unique game rules for EC. In this research,we will take the Internet, database and secure transaction as the background,and build up the "business to customer electronic commerce system" to establish a "Network flower store".The major studying contents include these subjects of order processing,dynamic homepage, ODBC database connection , secure data transaction.We wish to reduce the cost of the operation in the transection process to the lowest by this system.


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