  • 學位論文


The Ideal Knowledge Management for Logistic Industries

指導教授 : 尤克強


摘 要 知識管理目前成為主要的競爭核心能力來源,產、官、學界都將此一主題列為主要的研究對象或者實施目標,企業如何將知識管理口號轉換為行動,並內化為企業基礎,進而利用此一基礎轉化為產品與服務,並以此維持與發展組織,另外組織體質與文化也必須有所改變,讓組織成為知識有機體,能夠不斷循環再生。 另一方面世界已經趨同走向全球化,因為全球化的驅動,讓企業經營型態由以往的區域競爭轉進為國家競爭再進而為全球競爭,在這樣的經營體系中,在相同公司中其一個區域組織經驗的延伸性與參考性將會是另外一個組織體系中另一個模組的經驗。亦有可能一個國家的政治或經濟動盪也會迅速的影響另一個國家中的經濟活動。如此企業經營風險增加,當然其經營範圍與區域也隨之增加,相對的風險不確定性也會擴大。所以企業也勢必將無法以傳統的經營方式面對現今的環境挑戰。於此一時知識管理將能適時對此一嚴峻的挑戰降低衝擊。 同時因為資訊的變化快速,且資訊來源的多元性與複雜性在劇烈的競爭中誰能掌握競爭優勢誰就能延續企業的生命期,但是如何能有競爭優勢,資訊科技的運用將扮演重要的角色,特別是人員流動頻繁的時代中,許多處理經驗與專業知識亦因此而無法傳承或者延續於組織中,而喪失了與多寶貴的優勢。為因應此一現象,公司制定各種工作流程與規定或者處理程序等以各種方式保存下來,隨著時間的增加,資料量的累積與儲存更加龐大,往往要找尋適當的參考資料與經驗可能更加費時與費力,甚或成堆資料卻無法處理,所以若有適當的知識管理工具,進行有效率並且有參考性的整合,將累積經驗與工作知識進行有系統性的儲存與使用,增加企業的決策效率以因應環境或者人員的迅速變動,並且對於企業的競爭力與適應力有所提昇。 因此本研究將朝組織文化構面與資訊科技構面來建構知識管理理論模式,利用資訊科技的介面工具提供知識管理的便利與迅速性,藉此達到企業發展的效益與增進競爭能力,此時如何提高組織員工意願,提供其本身的經驗與智慧及處理問題的見解,並且分享至管理平台上,創造出知識分享的開放型組織文化,並且建立有效性的激勵制度。藉由上述兩構面的基礎研究,對於知識管理過程中之創造、儲存、分享、擴散等步驟的影響。本研究將借由組織文化、資訊科技與文獻探討建構知識管理的模組。


Abstract Knowledge Management has become a fundamental source of competition. By taking advantage of knowledge management, the company is able to develop their products and enhance their service quality. A side benefit of knowledge management is a more organized and efficient company. By adopting knowledge management to change the company’s structure and culture, the organization will become more flexible to economic and social changes. One positive effect of globalization is a sharing of experiences and practices of some companies within the same region. On the other side, globalization can also have a negative impact, often causing a “domino effect” throughout many regions. If one region is experiencing political and economic instability, this will in turn affect the economic activity of different organizations in other areas of the world. Therefore, companies can not operate their business with stagnant policies in this changeable environment. With knowledge management, businesses can reduce the impact of instability and face the serve challenges of political and economic unrest in other regions. Information Technology (IT) is critical to knowledge management. Knowledge can be well managed with the use of IT. This is an e-solution to a company. However, the internal culture and resistance may be a major obstacle in knowledge management. This research will focus on organization culture and information technology sides to develop the theory of knowledge management. Using the inter-media of IT can provide an efficient and effective way of developing knowledge management. To maximize company development and competition, the management level must learn know to motivate employees and invite them to share their experiences and ideas regarding trouble issues in an open forum. Furthermore, an incentive program and mechanism should be created to build up employee motivation. In order to construct an ideal knowledge management for logistic industries through the above two dimensions, we can find similar characteristics of knowledge management. This research can prove knowledge management is not only suitable of high tech industries but also suitable of other industries and for other industry reference. i


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