  • 學位論文

組織發展干預技術歷程之研究: 以某資訊科技公司之工作說明書專案為例

The Study on the Process of Organization Development Interventions: The Case of One Information Technology Company's Job Description Project

指導教授 : 郭敏珣


組織發展干預技術(Organizational Development intervention)在歷經數十年的發展演進及精鍊後,目前已經為數眾多且趨近成熟。經驗顯示,這些干預技術的實施,的確能夠增進公私機關組織的效能(吳定、鄭勝分、李盈盈,2005)。過去台灣在組織發展干預技術的相關研究,皆較偏重於了解其運用後的影響( 林啟暉,2003; 張文偉,2004; 范凱棠,2004 ),而較少去探討其進行的歷程。 本研究以台灣一家擁有將近500名員工之資訊科技公司為個案研究對象,其自2004年11月開始,由人力資源部門進行涉及全公司所有職位之「工作說明書專案」,以之作為公司內部個人層級之組織發展干預技術。 本研究所採用的質化研究設計為「互動取向模式」;而根據參與觀察、檔案資料分析、與深度訪談,本研究探討個案公司進行該組織發展干預技術之緣由、目的、進行歷程、進行歷程之屬性、情境,且比較此組織發展干預技術與學者理論的差異。 經過本研究者十一個月的研究後,發現該個案公司所運用之組織發展干預技術有以下屬性:(1) 它是規劃性的;(2) 它的干預標的是全公司之每個部門與職位;(3) 它有得到高階主管的認同與協助;(4) 它進行有計畫的干預;(5) 它的目的在於增進組織的效能。此外,將本研究所歸納的個案公司之組織發展干預技術歷程,與學者Dessler提出的工作分析步驟(方世榮譯,2001)做比較,研究者發現本研究所經歷的部份步驟,Dessler沒有提及。 再者,本研究根據學者McLean(2005)所提出的「組織發展流程模式」之八個階段(介入、啟動、分析與回饋、行動計畫、實施、評估、採納、退出),發現個案公司之組織發展干預技術的歷程,其有進行介入與實施階段;另外,在啟動、行動計畫、退出三個階段上,其在進行上有程度上的缺陷;再者,其並未進行分析與回饋、評估、採納三個階段。 根據上述的研究結果,本研究進一步探討所得結果在管理實務上的意涵,包括工作說明書是人力資源管理的基礎,以及高階主管的支持為組織發展干預技術進行的主動力。 最後,本研究者提出本研究之限制,以及諸項未來研究之建議-包括組織發展干預技術對個案公司的影響、組織發展干預技術是否會提升組織效能等議題。


Over decades, Organization Development (OD) interventions have become various and matured; the evidence shows that performance effectiveness of public and private organizations is enhanced by the implementation of OD interventions (Wu, Zheng, & Lee, 2005). Studies of OD in Taiwan have focused on the impact of implementing OD interventions (Lin, 2003; Chang, 2004; Fang, 2004); however, few studies had discussed the process of implementing OD interventions. In this study, the author chose one Taiwan information technology company with approximately 500 employees as the research case. In November 2004, the HR department of the case initiated a Job Description Project as one of the individual OD interventions throughout the whole company. Within this research method, the author adopted participative observation, in-depth interviews and document analysis as the research method. In addition, the object, process, attributes of process, and context of this OD intervention were analyzed and investigated. Moreover, the author also compared this OD intervention with the theories. By using the research method of “Interactive Approach”, the author summarized that the attributes of this particular OD intervention at this case company are: (1) planned; (2) organization-wide; (3) committed and supported from the top; (4) planned interventions; (5) increased organizational effectiveness. Besides, the author found out that the process of this OD intervention had some steps that Dessler (Translated by Fang, 2001)didn’t mention in his job analysis steps. Moreover, based on the Organization Development Process model proposed by McLean(2005), the author found out that the case company had some problems in the phases of start-up, action planning, and seperation. Furthurmore, the case company didn’t implement the phases of assessment and feedback, evaluation, and adoption. However, the case company did implement the phase of entry and intervention. According to the above research results, the author discussed the managerial applications, including job descriptions were the basis of human resource management, and supports from high-level managers were the power of OD interventions. At last, the author described the research limits and recommendations for future, including finding out the influence and effectiveness affected by OD interventions.


OD interventions OD process Job Description


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