  • 學位論文


A Case of the Key Success Factors of Manufacturing Management in Taiwan Elevator Industry

指導教授 : 李弘暉


台灣電梯業是典型的內需型產業,近幾年隨著建築業景氣的波動,在「供過於求」競爭激烈的情況下,電梯的售價幾乎已無利可圖,本研究希望透過個案探討:台灣電梯業在此經營環境下,製造管理應掌握哪些關鍵成功因素,以提升其競爭力。   由於電梯業為一較封閉型產業,過去文獻沒有電梯製造管理方面的研究個案,因此本研究主要針對製造管理、現場作業、生產製造優勢及指標等相關文獻探討與蒐集的方式,彙總其共通性的關鍵因素,再以A公司製造系統個案研究為實證對象,經由SWOT分析,探討其競爭優勢做為發展策略的參考,最後再藉由專家訪談印證製造管理關鍵成功因素,並做成結論提供產業界、政府單位,以及後續研究者建議和參考。   本研究方法採用探索性的個案研究為主,專家訪談為輔,經由研究探討發現,台灣電梯業製造管理關鍵成功因素,依其重要排序為「製造成本」、「生產計劃」、「品質」、「庫存管理」、「製程管理」和「人力資源」。本研究對電梯業界與政府提出下列幾點建議:「增加產能,提升設備稼動率」、「加強策略聯盟與資源共享」、「建立電梯零件安全認證」和「協助整合產官學界技術」。   雖然台灣電梯業現況經營遇到困境,若能集合政府和業界的力量,相信有機會開創另一片藍海。


Elevator Industry is a typical domestic market of Taiwan, and it is fluctuated according to building industry in recent years. The sales are almost profitless in this high competitive situation which the supply exceeds the demand. The research which by case study aims to find what the key success factors the department of manufacturing management should be have and which can improve the competitive capability. Due to there were few case studies of literature about elevator manufacturing management in the past, and Elevator Industry is also a closed-industry. Therefore, the research collects and analyzes the related data and literatures about manufacturing management, real operating environment, manufacturing advantage and manufacturing indicator to find the same key success factors. Here take the manufacturing management department of the A company in the case study to prove the result, and to give the suggestions to company’s operated strategy by using SWOT analysis and to confirm the key success factors by expert interview. Based on the analysis, the research achieves the following conclusion. The ranking by importance of the key success factors of Manufacturing Management in Taiwan Elevator Industry are listed as the below:「Manufacturing Cost」,「Manufacturing Plan」, 「Quality」,「Inventory Management」,「Process management」, and 「Human Resource」. The research also provides the suggestions to Elevator Industry and the government as follows:「Raise Production Performance to Improve Equipment Effectiveness」,「Enhance Strategic Alliance and Resource Sharing」,「Establish Elevator Component Security Certificate」, and「Assist Technology Integration of the Industry, academic and government」.


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吳殷俊宏(2013)。塑膠射出製品加工業-2.5級製造服務業 經營關鍵成功因素探討〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00080
