  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing the Usage of GPS Mobile Handset-Based on Theory of Planned Behavior

指導教授 : 沈永正


本研究以計劃行為理論為基礎並加入科技接受模式及創新擴散理論,探討影響消費者對於GPS手機的採用因素。消費者接受新事物的態度及購買意願。了解消費者對於GPS手機的態度、主觀規範以及知覺行為控制的相互關係,並分析各構面之外生變數之影響,冀望能提供國內手機製造商及相關服務商在推行GPS手機及其相關服務時行銷與發展策略上的參考,也提供後續研究者對於計劃行為理論實證之參考。 本研究依據計劃行為理論所提出的態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制對於採用意圖的影響並參考科技接受模式,提出知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺娛樂性對於消費者採用GPS手機的態度具正向影響性;依據創新擴散理論提出相容性及可觀察性對於消費者採用GPS手機的態度具正向影響;以及外部影響性對於主觀規範具正向影響性、自我效能對於知覺行為控制具正向影響 ,並利用結構化方程模型來分析各因素之間的影響。 經實徵研究結果推論態度及知覺行為控制直接影響消費者採用意圖,而主觀規範並未對採用意圖造成影響。在科技接受模式部份,知覺有用性以及知覺易用性直接影響消費者採用GPS手機的態度,當消費者知覺到愈高的有用性及易用性,對其採用GPS手機的態度愈正向。而知覺娛樂性並未對態度造成影響;在創新擴散部份,消費者認知產品的利益可觀察性愈高時,則對於採用GPS手機的態度愈正向,而相容性並未對於態度造成影響。


This research takes the Theory of planned behavior and joins the Technology Acceptance Model and the Innovation Diffusion theory to discuss the factors influencing the usage of GPS mobile handset. Consumer acceptance new thing manner and relationship between attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control effect consumer, in the study also include external factors to describe the influence to each constructs. According to TPB, the hypnosis of this study is the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control have direct effect the intension; the perceived usefulness , perceived easy of use ,perceived playfulness, compatibilities and obserability will positive effect attitude ; The external effect will positive effect Subjective norm and self-efficacy will positive effect perceived. Results of this study indicates that behavior intention will receive attitude , Subjective norm and perceived behavioral control to influence, The direct effect of “perceived usefulness and “perceived easy of use” on attitude is significant ; The direct effect of “perceived playfulness” and “compatibilities” on attitude is insignificant. The direct effect of “external effective” on subjective norm is insignificant. The direct effect of “self-efficacy” on perceived behavioral control is significant.


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