  • 學位論文

知識管理之導入以提升學習效益 -以高職資料處理科為例

Enabling Knowledge Management to Improve Learning Efficiency -Case of High School of Commerce

指導教授 : 盧以詮


隨著科技進步,網路教學已成為一種新趨勢,本研究藉由個人特質的了解及建立新的學習方式,運用知識管理的概念,如網路學習、群組互動、知識分享的方法,來改變學習行為,以提升高職學生學習成效。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以高職資料處理科為研究樣本,發出問卷126份,有效回收126份,以電腦軟體應用檢定成效為因變數,學生個人因素、學習行為、學習方法為自變數。研究資料分析的描述性統計包括百分比、平均數、標準差、T考驗、單因子變異數分析,推論分析以薛費事後比較法、皮爾遜積差相關等加以分析處理。 本研究的結果,得到以下的結論,可提供學校單位在教學上之參考: 一、學生個人因素對學習行為、電腦軟體應用技能檢定無非常顯著的影響。 二、學生學習行為的差異對電腦軟體應用技能檢定成效有顯著的影響。 三、學生學習方式對電腦軟體應用技能檢定的成效有顯著的影響,故利用知識管理的導入改變學習方式對學習效益有非常顯著的正相關。


Along with advances in technology, network teaching has become a new method for teaching. This research establishes a new study method by knowledge management concept, like the network learning, group interaction, and the knowledge share to change the learning behavior, and improve learning efficiency. The methodology of the study is conducted through a questionnaire given to the students in high schools. 126 copies of questionnaire were sent and all of them were returned. The effect of computer software application tests are taken as the dependent variables. Individual factor, learning behavior and methods are independent variables. The descriptive statistics of the data analysis includes percentile, mean average, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The methods of inferential statistics are Scheffé method, and Pearson product moment correlation etc. The research conclusions that 1.It makes no significant influence on the testing effect of the computer skills from difference of the individual factor. 2.There are obvious influences on testing effect of the computer skill from difference of learning behavior. 3.The learning method influences the testing effect of the computer skill, so there are obvious and positive relations to changes learning methods by knowledge management.


Knowledge Management Skill Test E-Learning


[40]徐明廷 (民91),在校生專案技能檢定對商職會計教學影響之研究,中原大學會計研究所碩士論文。
[45]吳國江 (民93),協同教學的知識管理平台-以自然與生活科技領域為例,生活科技教育月刊,37卷,第四期,2-11頁。
