  • 學位論文

軍用技術委外之個案研究 -以中科院行動通訊工程中心為例

A Study of Dual Use Technology Outsourcing - A Military Wireless Engineering Center Case

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


在國家安全的考量下,國防科技的發展在各國研發資源上占的比重甚大,國防科技也走在民生科技之前引領進步。世界的形勢從冷戰結束以來,將國防科技轉化成民生用途,也就是軍民通用技術(Dual Use Technology, DUT)移轉來帶動經濟發展,已成重要的趨勢。國內唯一的國防科技研究機構是中山科學研究院,近年來致力於軍用技術的委外合作,以軍民通用的技術為主體結合民間產業的優勢,藉技術移轉的方式從委外製造到合作開發等方式創造軍、民技術的優勢互補。我國產業以中小企業為主研發資源有限,欲尋求外部技術的注入以維持競爭力之需,軍用技術委外合作正可提供此一來源。本研究藉由訪談與資料綜整,分析出主要關聯於軍用技術委外可能性之因素。期望研究結果能為參與軍用技術委外各方之參考,並有助於軍用技術委外合作後續之研究。


冷戰 軍民通用技術


Abstract Due to National Security requirements, the development of military technology is deemed as being of top priority. This inevitably leads to a large capital expenditure of the Nation’s resources being allocated to fund the development of advanced military technology. This has the effect of channeling resources away for the civilian use, in the short term, but, ultimately, those advancements tend to lead more innovations to the domestic sector. There has been a rapidly emerging trend, since the end of the Cold War, for the development of Dual Use Technology (DUT) which can be adapted for both military and civilian use. This has resulted in economic growth over recent decades and appears set to continue. Chung Shan Institute Science & Technology (CSIST) is the principle institute dedicated to military technology development in Taiwan. It is promoting the DUT approach by outsourcing development to civilian industries to ensure a cohesive co-operation approach and is being seen as a win-win situation for the two sectors. Most of Taiwan factories are small to medium size with research resource and capabilities being limited. By sharing resources and knowledge Companies can work together to build trust and co-operation. Further, by working with other Nations, the possibility exists for mutual collaborations in furthering the technology knowledge base and thereby strengthening alliances. This research uses a case study approach focusing on a military wireless engineering center with its outsource and transfer approach, obtain comprehensive understanding of the operations, conclusion and suggestion will be proposed to the parties working together and contribute to similar researches in the future.


cold war DUT


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