  • 學位論文


The Tapping Performance on Mobile Devices Using Various Finger Operations

指導教授 : 林瑞豐


觸控式螢幕與電信通訊的發展促使人們可藉由手指的操作在智慧型手機或平板電腦上,進行多元化的作業活動,如通話、簡訊、與瀏覽網頁等。為了提供輸入設備開發者在開發軟體時,可以針對年輕族群以不同手勢操作各種觸控螢幕尺寸行動裝置時的點擊表現進行設計,本研究首先驗證彈道式移動模型和彈道式變異模型是否適用於在二維平面螢幕上量測點擊移動,接著使操作於螢幕上的「時間」與「準確度」分別用圖形呈現以觀察其點擊表現。 實驗分為前測實驗和正式實驗兩個部分,前測實驗目的為確認實驗設計的可行性。正式實驗自變項為三種尺寸的手持行動裝置、四種握持行動裝置的手勢,應變項則為受測者以不同手勢操作各種觸控螢幕尺寸的行動裝置時,執行彈道式移動時的移動時間、水平方向和垂直方向的變異誤差以及常數誤差。 前測實驗結果發現,在「雙手拿、雙指操作」時,由於以慣用手作為起始點,因此無法計算其移動距離,而實驗座椅未固定、手部無固定擺放於桌面等因素可能會影響其點擊表現結果,因此正式實驗依據前測實驗進行實驗設計修正,實驗結果顯示:(1)彈道式移動時間與變異模型並不適用於量測點擊在二維平面螢幕上的點擊移動。(2)使用不同手勢操作各種觸控螢幕尺寸行動裝置時,點擊移動時間皆會因移動距離增加而增長,且點擊移動變異之 Y 軸誤差皆大於 X 軸誤差。(3)當螢幕垂直擺放時,各種手勢點擊三種尺寸螢幕,螢幕的左上、左下以及右下角皆花費較長時間,而螢幕中心位置的點擊時間最短。(4)當螢幕水平擺放並以「雙手拿,雙指操作」時,螢幕中心以及螢幕中心上方需要花費較多點擊時間,而螢幕兩邊拇指擺放位置的點擊移動時間花費最少。(5)使用「雙手拿,雙指操作」時, X 軸與 Y 軸的變異誤差皆以螢幕左邊較大。(6)在常數誤差方面,受測者在點擊螢幕邊緣之目標點時,皆較傾向於螢幕內側。 彈道式移動時間與變異模型無法對於點擊在二維螢幕上的點擊移動進行有效描述的原因有可能是由於:點擊移動距離無法精確量測,且每位受測者點擊起始點到目標點的移動距離不一致。未來的研究方向可以不同的點擊姿勢進行量測,以提供開發人員在開發軟體時,可針對各種觸控螢幕尺寸在不同情境使用時進行設計。 關鍵詞:觸控螢幕、手勢、彈道式移動、時間、準確度


觸控螢幕 手勢 彈道式移動 時間 準確度


Today’s mobile devices offer a wide range of functionality, such as communicating, sending messages, and browsing websites with their mobile devices. In order to supply the input device developers to design the software that uses different gestures to operate variety of touchscreen size for the young group, in this study, first verify that the ballistic movement model and ballistic variability model are applicable to measure of tapping movements on two-dimensional touchscreen. Then, we use contour graphics of time and accuracy to observe tapping performance on the screen. The experiment was divided pretest experiment and formal experiment. Pretest experiments confirm the feasibility of experimental design. Formal experiment independent variables were three sizes of handheld mobile devices, four kinds of gestures holding mobile devices. Dependent variables is the ballistic moving time, variance error of horizontal direction and vertical direction , and constant error of horizontal direction and vertical direction According to Pretest experiment results, the dominant hand is starting point, we cannot calculate the distance, and the experimental seat is not fixed, the hand has no fixed place on the desktop, and other factors that may affect the results of their tapping performance, therefore, formal experimental design correction is according to pretest experimental, the result of formal experimental showed that (1) the ballistic movement model and ballistic variability model are not applicable to measure of tapping movements on two-dimensional touchscreen. (2) Tapping movements time is increase of the moving distance increases, and tapping movements of variance of Y axis error was greater than the X-axis error when uses different gestures to operate variety of touchscreen size. (3) Gestures tapping on vertically with three sizes of screen that takes longer time on upper left, lower left and lower right. (4) Tapping movements time of the middle of the left and right on the screen is the shortest when hold horizontally with two hands and operate with two fingers. (5) X-axis and Y-axis variable error on the left of the screen is larger when hold horizontally with two hands and operate with two fingers. (6) In the constant error, more inclined to the inside of the screen when the subjects were at the edge of the screen tapping on the target. Ballistic movement time model and variance model cannot effective describe the tapping movement. The possible causes : The tapping movement distance cannot precise measurements and the different start point lead to different tapping movement from each subjects. The results of this study could be used for designer enhance the usability of mobile devices. Key words: touchscreen, gestures, ballistic movement, time, accuracy.


touchscreen gestures ballistic movement time accuracy


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