  • 學位論文


A Study on the Educational Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability at the National Museum of Taiwan History

指導教授 : 陳佳利


臺灣的博物館自1990年代起,關注身心障礙者參觀博物館的可及性,並開始舉辦各項教育活動,但多數博物館並未擬定相關的政策與方案,對於心智障礙者的博物館需求,還有極大的探索空間。因此,博物館如何推動身心障礙者之文化平權?心智障礙者於博物館中的學習特質與需求為何?以及如何設計與實踐心智障礙者的博物館教育活動為本研究之探討議題。   本研究以國立臺灣歷史博物館為研究場域,訪談館方人員瞭解館所政策推動的理念,並以心智障礙者為研究對象,參與觀察易讀版導覽並以行動研究法設計心智障礙者的教育活動,訪談陪同教師的意見與想法。研究發現,臺史博透過政策的引導,充實專業知能與培養館方人力資源,建立友善的氣氛與態度。在導覽規劃上則符合心智障礙者的需求,運用多元智能設計教育活動,提供具體物件與生活連結的學習方式,並且重視陪同者投入參與的角色。再者,由於心智障礙者認知理解不易,《臺史博易讀版探索指南》較適合輕度心智障者使用,多數受訪者認為心智障礙者教育活動應以增加社會經驗為主。最後,本研究針對博物館易讀導覽的實施方式、相關人員的運用與教育活動的內容三方面給予建議,如導覽內容放入現代的照片有助今昔比較、發展陪同者運用博物館教育的增能課程、強調社會互動的教育活動並創造愉快的博物館經驗。


Since 1990s, museum communities in Taiwan began their focus on the accessibility of museums for disabled groups and various educational programs. However, most museums do not have sufficient permanent policies and guidelines, and there is still room for improvement. Therefore, how to promote the cultural equity for those with disability in the museum? What are the learning characteristics and requirements for students with intellectual disabilities in the museum? How to design and implement museum educational programs for students with intellectual disabilities? These are the research questions of this study. In this study, the National Taiwan Museum of History was chosen as a case study. The interviews with museum staff and school teachers were conducted to investigate the policy promoted by the museum and students’ experiences. Action research was conducted and participate observation was employed to evaluate the easy-to-read guide and educational programs. The study found that through policy, it guide the establishment of professional knowledge and friendly attitude of the museum staff. The tour guides also met the needs of students with intellectual disabilities by applying different interpretation skills and linked the content to life experiences. Due to the cognition impairment, "Easy-to-Read: Discovery Guide to the National Museum of Taiwan History " is more suitable for those with mild symptoms. The interviewees also point out that the importance of increasing social interaction. Suggestions were made such as: the museum can provide and parallel photographs of the past and present for comparison in the easy-to-read guide, and courses of how to utilize and facilitate learning in the museum for school teachers. Lastly the tour guide should focus and put more emphasis on the social interaction rather than history knowledge in the future.


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