  • 學位論文

美術館中學習單的角色及功能: 以台北當代藝術館家庭觀眾學習單設計為例

The Roles and Functions of Worksheets in Art Museum: An Action Research of Designing Worksheets for Family Visitors in the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei.

指導教授 : 陳佳利


近年來美術館教育不斷強調活動多元化,且相當關注於各類年齡層的觀眾需 求。其中,學習單如同扮演博物館教育人員的角色,學習者藉由使用學習單及參 與相關學習活動,進一步了解並詮釋當代藝術展覽及作品的意義。美術館該如何 規劃富教育意涵的學習單以輔助家庭觀眾當代藝術之學習?為家庭觀眾設計的 學習單特質與學習內涵又為何? 本文將探討如何應用Gardner提出的多元智能及五個學習窗的理論,以內容 分析及行動研究的方式,對台北當代藝術館展覽學習單進行分析,並且結合理論 與當代館教育理念參與設計《以藝術之名:香港當代藝術展》家庭觀眾展覽學習 單。研究發現當代館的展覽學習單以觀察、創作為主,問題設計多與當代藝術與 觀眾的生活經驗有所連結,排版形式配合展覽動線,具美感且帶有遊戲性質,以 開啓敘事、數量及實作學習窗為主要設計原則,較少應用多元智能中音樂及肢體 智能。本研究透過七組家庭觀眾的觀察與訪談,發現家庭觀眾的主要特質如下: (一)遊戲式學習單的設計接受度高、(二)學習地圖能引導兒童視覺空間與記 憶、(三)家長的參與度高低決定了兒童使用學習單的頻率以及(四)對於融合 音樂智能的互動設施容易產生好感,而(五)學習單操作的便利度,更影響觀眾 是否願意主動使用。從上述發現,提出家庭觀眾當代藝術學習單的設計原則如 下:(一)遊戲式學習單吸引兒童的興趣、(二)增加兒童能掌握的活動練習、 (三)插畫風格的學習單對家庭觀眾有吸引力、(四)學習單不是導覽手冊,並 指出家長在參觀前若能做足展覽資料閱讀、以兒童語音導覽或學習盒輔助看展, 並以身作則帶領子女觀看與學習,便能讓兒童主動探索作品,享受參觀當代藝術 的樂趣。


The diverse educational programs targeted for audience of different ages are very important for art museum education. Among them, the worksheet plays the role as museum educator. How does the art museum design educational worksheets to assist family visitors to learn contemporary art? What are the features of worksheets designed for family visitors? Theories of Multiple Intelligences and Five Windows proposed by Howard Gardner will be discussed in this study, and the methods of action research and content analysis are applied to analyze worksheets of the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei (MOCA, Taipei). Applying theories of contemporary art education, the researcher designed the worksheet of “In the Name of Art – Hong Kong” exhibition for family visitors. Analysis shows that the features of worksheets of MOCA focus on observation and creation skill connecting with contemporary art and life experiences with emphasis on narration, numerical and experiential windows. From the observation and interview with family visitors, the research results are as follows: 1. Interactive worksheets are most popular. 2. Learning map leads the spatial intelligence and children’s memories. 3. Parents influence how frequent the worksheets are used. 4. Family visitors are much more impressed with those exhibits applying musical intelligence and 5. Family visitors prefer user-friendly worksheets. Several principles of designing the contemporary art worksheet for family visitors are suggested as follows: 1. Worksheets with games attract children. 2. Worksheets should be children friendly. 3. Worksheets with illustrations are popular. 4. The worksheet is not a replacement of guidebook. The study also suggests that parents should read and learn the exhibition information before their visit as well as rent audio guide and learning box for children. If the parents enjoy the visit and share their experiences with children, visiting contemporary art museums will be wonderful experiences for children.


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