  • 學位論文

從術語學觀點論《Air Traffic Management Procedures》之英譯中之應用

Terminology theories and their translation application On Air Traffic Management Procedures (ATMP)

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文旨在呈現筆者翻譯ATMP (Air Traffic Management Procedures ) 《飛航管理程序》一書的過程、譯文與心得,一方面探討筆者如何將所學翻譯理論與技巧運用在社會科學論述的翻譯上,另一方面利用筆者過去15年的飛航管制經驗,並結合翻譯理論,以反推現行飛航管制專著的某些限制,和佐證筆者所主張「航管術語是飛安工作最重要的一環」的論點。 本論文共分六章,第一章在說明筆者的研究動機與目的及研究範圍與方法,第二章在概述飛航管制制度及《飛航管理程序》一書的內容,第三章在探討術語學相關文獻及其實務上之運用,第四章為《飛航管理程序第一章緒論》中文譯文,第五章為全文之重點,筆者除了運用翻譯理論(尤其是術語學觀點)點出我國對《飛航管理程序》一書翻譯上的限制外,更提供參考譯文以做為譯文評析之論據資料,將理論與實務作一連結,以驗證理論的實用性。第六章為結論,筆者提出了個人的心得及建議,一方面作為從業邇後深入研究的方向,另一方面提供往後類似問題研究時之參考。


The thesis discusses the application of translation theories and techniques by translating ATMP (Air Traffic Management Procedures). It will not only note down the translating process and what the author has learned from the process, but also examine the ATC’s limitation using my personal experience over the past 15 years as an air traffic controller. The thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 presents the motive and the purpose of the thesis. Chapter 2 gives a brief introduction of both the original author and the content of the source book. Chapter 3 focuses on this author’s translation strategy and translating process. Chapter 4 is the translation of the source book. Chapter 5 is the main body of the thesis, analyzes the problems the author encounters and probes into the application of translation theories and techniques to the translation work. Chapter 6 concludes with a summary of the author’s experience in translating the book and offers some suggestions for those who are interested in this topic.


Baker, Mona(1992).In Other Words: a course book on translation. London: Routledge.
Cabre, M.Teresa(2003).Theories of Terminology. Terminology, Vol.9, No.2.
