  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study toward Integrated Strategies for Southern Science Park (Tainan) and Tainan Technology

指導教授 : 薩支平


政府因應全球經濟變遷及國外產業競爭之趨勢,並發展高科技與高附加價值產業,仿傚先進國家之作法,設置了二個不同科技產業用地開發體系,即行政院國科會的「科學園區」以及經濟部工業局的「科技工業區」。「科學園區」以及「科技工業區」之設置,乃係因應促進國家產業水準提升之政策而產生,其所追求的目標是一致的。但該兩類型工業園區的設置係在各自不同經濟發展背景及需求下所推動之行動方案,因此其在機能上仍存在著1.開發方式及型態;2.發展位階角色;3.園區機能方面;4.引進產業政策;5.營運管理模式;6.租稅條件等實質特徵上之歧異。 本研究藉由二者課題及優勢之分析,以「南部科學工業園區台南園區」及「台南科技工業區」為例,並輔以問卷調查,了解雙園區問題所在,並運用策略規劃提出雙園區整體策略,包括1.園區產業優惠策略;2.園區產業定位策略;3.園區土地經營策略;4.園區產業互助聯盟策略;5.園區土地開發策略;6.園區組織功能強化策略;7.園區產業技術提升策略等。以作為日後政府相關部門未來科技產業用地決策參考,期能提高國家資源整體利用效率。 透過本研究將上述兩個科技產業園區在經營策略上作一比較探討及研擬雙園區整體策略後,建議政府可朝園區組織精簡化、科技產業用地開發應鼓勵民間參與、雙園區之獎勵優惠條件應以產業類別區分、適切評估往後設立產業園區之規模與區位距離、加強推動產官學研發技術合作、建立雙園區資源互補機制、聯合招商與建立廠商間互助聯盟等方向加以推動。


Due to the changing trend of global economy and the competitive foreign industries market, the Government developed high-tech and high-accessional value industry. Two different systems were developed for high-tech industries, so called “Science Park” and “Technology Park.” Basically, they are set to advance the strategies of national industry, their goals are accordable. However, the two systems are set by the plans of different economic development backgrounds and needs. Therefore the differences of entities and functions between “Science Park” and “Technology Park” are existed; the differences can be categorized into following groups, 1. development patterns and styles, 2. the role of development, 3. the functions of the park, 4. introduced industry strategies, 5. management patterns, and 6. taxation conditions. This research attempts to use the survey for analyzing the systems of Southern Science Park (Tainan) and Tainan Technology Industrial Park, complare of the advantages and issues between them. The integrated strategy proposed by this research involves, 1. industry prefered strategy, 2. the role of the parks, 3. the land management of the parks, 4. industry cooperation association strategies, 5. land development strategy of the parks, 6. strategies that strengthen the organizations, and 7. improvement of technological strategies. This study expects that it can offer the references for the government for the use of land in the field of technology industry as well as advance the efficiency of resource using. After the comparative study of the development management strategies between Science Park and Technology Park, this study formed strategies of the both Parks. It suggests that the government could: advance the simplified organizations of the parks, encourage civil industries’ participation of technology land use development, adjust the accordance encouragements of two parks, estimate the distances and dimensions for the parks establishment, advance the development technology cooperation, develop the systems of complementary resources between two parks, associate investment alliance, and build associations between suppliers.


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